“Are you kidding?! It’s like the holy grail of our friendship.” She gets comfortable and puts her feet up. “I have the rest of them too but I only brought that one.”

Opening it to the first page, I notice it starts in April. We wrote so many notes back and forth that we would fill one of these up within just a couple of months. From complaints about teachers to gushing about boys, there wasn’t a single thing we didn’t write down. It’s fun to look back at them.

April 7, 2015


I swear, if the boy next to me continues to smell like fish, I’m going to end up dropping out of school. I don’t care if I only have two months until graduation. Nothing is worth not being able to breathe during pre-calc. I can’t wait to go to college. I’m going to meet some cute California boy and we’re going to have gorgeous tan babies together. Okay, maybe not. I don’t know if I could handle kids. But I will meet a tanned hottie who will sweep me off my feet. Can you believe prom is only a month and a half away? I think I’m more excited for the trip after than I am for the dance, but whatever. It’s all exciting. Okay, time to switch classes now. See you in a minute.

Love you loser,


I laugh at the pointlessness of the entire thing, but that’s what they were – just pages and pages of useless information. Well, at least most of it is, until I reach a page I remember writing quite well.

April 20, 2015



So, I may have already chewed your ear out about this all last night and this morning, but seriously - I cannot stop thinking about it. I can’t believe Colton kissed me. Colton Brooks fucking kissed me! What does this even mean? I didn’t see him before he left my house this morning, so I have no idea what is going to happen from here. Do I try to talk to him about it? Do I play it off like nothing happened? Did he even mean to do it or does he regret it now? Seriously, Ivy. I’m losing my damn mind. I can still feel the way his lips felt on mine. It was amazing. By far the best kiss of my life. Okay so it was the only kiss of my life, but still. Maybe I won’t end up going to college a virgin after all.

Help me before I go crazy,


I remember the way I drove myself insane thinking about it. Looking at what I scribbled in the corner, I pause.





Why does that look so familiar? I wrack my brain trying to figure out why I can’t look away from that date. Four, nineteen, two thousand fifteen. Four, nineteen, two thousand fifteen. The minute it hits me, my entire body tenses up. Suddenly, there isn’t enough air in my lungs. My eyes search frantically for Colton and when I find him, he’s standing next to Roman near the tiki bar Maverick has outside. I look at his tattoo and it confirms everything.


“Oh my god.” I gasp.

“What?” Ivy asks, but I can’t look away. “Mac? Are you alright?”

“Oh. My. God.”

“McKenna, what is it?!”

Colton’s head turns at the sound of Ivy’s concern. He gives me a confused look as I stare at the tattoo. When he glances down at the book in my hands and then at ink on his own skin, his eyes widen. He puts his beer down on the bar and rushes over to me. In one quick motion, he grabs my wrist and pulls me inside. I follow behind him willingly, too shocked to fight it.

We go straight up the stairs and into his bedroom. He grabs a shirt and throws it on, but it’s too late. I’ve already seen it. My eyes stay fixated on where the tattoo is, even though it’s now covered by fabric.

“Y-you…you…” I try to speak but the words just won’t come out.

Colton sits down on the edge of his bed and puts his head in his hands. “Spit it out, McKenna.”

“Your tattoo…”