“It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing if you’re this upset about it.”

I shake my head. “It’s embarrassing.”

“McKenna.” He gives me a knowing look. “I’ve known you since you played pretty, pretty, princess.”

“Oh god, don’t remind me.”

What he doesn’t know is that I’ve had a crush on him since the day he first came over to hang out with Maverick. I was seven and they were ten. I can still remember the way he rode his skateboard without a helmet. He looked so dangerous and carefree. I was mesmerized.

“I don’t know how to slow dance.” I confess.

His eyebrows raise. “Is that all?” I nod and he picks up my iPod from my dresser. “I can teach you.”

Teach me?! Just the idea of Colton’s hands on me causes me to feel something so intense I can barely handle it. “Y-you don’t have to do that.”

“Nonsense.” He presses play. From the Ground Up by Dan and Shay fills the room. “Come here.” I step closer. He lightly takes my wrists and places them on his shoulders before putting his hands on my hips. “Now just follow my lead.”

The two of us sway back and forth. Every time I’ve tried this with anyone else, I’ve messed it up. I’ve stepped on the guy or moved too fast. With Colton, though, it’s different. I let him control my movements as I get lost in the lyrics. Every word they sing is everything I wish would happen between us. Is there a reason he chose this song? Yeah, right. What would a twenty-one-year-old Adonis want with a high school senior?

The feeling of being this close to him is better than anything I’ve ever imagined. I mentally will the song to never end and wonder if maybe I should mess up on purpose so I can say I need more help. Unfortunately, the last note plays before I have a chance to try it.

“See? You’re a natural.”

I look up and my eyes lock with his. The room is so quiet I can hear the pounding of my own heart. The music is gone but neither one of us moves. Then, as if we don’t any control over it, we both start to lean in. My eyes close and I can feel his lips ghosting across my own but not touching.

“Colton.” I whisper, afraid I’ll ruin the moment if I speak any louder.

“I just…”

He cuts himself off my pressing his mouth against mine. My stomach is taken over by butterflies as I get exactly what I’ve wanted for the past decade. He tightens his hold and pulls me closer, using my gasp to slip his tongue into my mouth. He tastes like mint toothpaste and heaven. My fingers lace into his hair as I try to find something to ground me. Lifting me up by my waist, he sits me on my dresser and slots himself between my legs. Our lips don’t separate for a second as the kiss turns heated.


In the worst timing ever, Maverick’s voice echoes down the hallway. Colton breaks the kiss, placing his hands on either side of my body and taking a deep breath with his eyes still closed. When they finally open, his pupils are so blown that I can barely see any of the turquoise blue that surrounds them.

“Colton? Where’d you go?” Maverick calls out again.

“Coming.” He answers before backing away.

Just as he reaches the door, he spares one last glance at me and smiles. In another second, he’s gone. I raise my hand and touch my bottom lip with the tips of my fingers. The feeling of his kiss still lingers.

“McKenna, are you even listening to me?!” Parker goes on but I’m not paying attention.

Colton looks away from his conversation with Tatum and directly at me. The smile that appears tells me he knows exactly what song this is, and then he winks. I can’t handle anything anymore. With being angry at Parker and all these feelings for Colton flooding back, I just need a minute to breathe.

I turn to leave but don’t get very far before Parker is stopping me again.

“Where are you going?”

Again, I pull myself from him and take another step back. “I just need some time to myself. Don’t follow me.”

Without giving him a chance to say another word, I walk away. I go down the back steps and onto the lower patio, far enough from prying eyes and people who want to make small talk with the ‘bride to be’. I sit on the ledge and take a deep breath, rubbing my hands over my face. Only a few seconds later, I can hear someone coming up behind me.

“I thought I told you not to follow me!” I shout, but as I turn around, it’s not Parker behind me. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.”

“Are you okay?” Colton asks carefully.