Page 115 of Returning to Rockport

I shut the back door and take a step away from the car. “I’m not getting into this with you now.”

“Mhm.” She teases. “Call me if you need anything.”

“I will.”

Watching as they drive away, I take a deep breath and then start walking towards Colton and Avery. I can tell by her face that he’s lecturing her about the dangers of drinking so much. As soon as I’m close enough, I stop him.

“You’re wasting your breath. She’s not going to remember any of this tomorrow.” I look down at what’s in his hand. “Are those the clothes I asked for?”

He nods and hands them to me. “I thought they were for you.”

There are so many questions those words bring, but right now is not the time for them. I put one arm around Avery and guide her down the dock, holding her steady so she doesn’t fall into the water. Colton helps me get her onto the boat and I bring her down into the cabin. I’m not sure if she’s starting to fall asleep or about to puke as she sways.

“Here, put these on.” I hand her the sweatpants.

Thankfully, she does what I ask. Once I’m done helping her get changed, I open the door to allow Colton inside. The two of us get her tucked into bed and she falls asleep within seconds. I watch as he lovingly kisses her forehead and whispers that they’re going to have a long talk tomorrow.

With Avery under control, Colton and I leave her to rest. He follows me up the stairs and out of the cabin. As soon as he closes the door behind us, he sighs frustratedly.

“I can’t believe she drank that much. It’s so unlike her.”

I shrug. “She just found out her favorite person in the world is moving almost 3,000 miles away. I can’t say I blame her.”

He winces slightly. “Y-you know?”

“Yeah.” I focus on anything but him to keep from getting emotional. “Maverick told me. Everyone thinks it’s my fault.”

“Your fault?!” Even the idea of it seems to outrage him. “Why would they think it’s your fault?”

“Isn’t it?”

With the knuckle of his index finger, he lifts my chin until I’m looking right at him. The amount of sincerity in his eyes is overwhelming and I need to remind myself to breathe. He slides his hand down my arm but our gazes stay locked.

“Believe me when I say that you are not to blame for anything.”


He shakes his head. “Not for anything, Princess. It hurts to leave you, to leave everyone but especially you. This is just something I need to do.”

I force myself to look away in fear of doing something I may regret. “This place isn’t going to be the same without you.”

“Maybe not at first, but soon, you’ll forget all about me.”

A wet laugh leaves my mouth as I wipe a stray tear from my cheek. “That will never happen. How could it when this whole place is filled with memories of you, of us?”

He sighs and turns to lean against the railing with me. “You’ll be busy. Your students will keep you distracted at work, and being a wife will keep you occupied at home. Eventually, you and Parker will start a family and you’ll have so many great things to look forward to. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”

My heart is breaking as I listen to him, knowing this is likely the last time I’ll see him for a while. Doesn’t he realize that all I’ve ever dreamt of is him? For Christ sake, I’ve been dreaming of him since I was a child. Colton and I playing on the swings. Colton and I getting ice cream. Colton and I kissing. Colton and I getting married. Colton and I having a family. It’s always been him, and now he’s leaving. And me? I’m getting married to someone who isn’t him.

I love Parker, and I know our future together is so bright. He’ll always do whatever it takes to make me happy. He’ll be there to listen when I need him to, and give me space when I don’t want anyone around. He’s the ideal fiancé and I know he’ll make the perfect husband. Who knows, maybe Colton is right – but I doubt it. They say you never forget your first love, and I agree. He’s burned into my memory like a permanent brand. There will never be a way to rid myself of him. My four years away are enough proof of that.

“Well, for what it’s worth, I hope LA is everything you’re looking for.” I exhale and wipe the tears from my face. “I should get going though. Parker is probably going to get worried if I’m not home soon.”

He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Right, of course. I’m glad we could clear the air before I left.”

“Me too.”

The two of us walk in silence back up the dock until we’re on solid ground. He opens his arms for a hug and I go willingly, allowing myself one last time of being wrapped in his hold and breathing in his intoxicating scent. It goes on for what feels like forever, neither one of us wanting to let go. Finally, we separate.