Page 111 of Returning to Rockport

“So, where do we go from here?” She asks, lightly rubbing her knuckle in between the ridges of my abs.

I take a deep breath, knowing the answer is going to hurt both of us like hell. “Now, you go and marry Parker.”

“W-what?! But… But we just… You said…”

“I know what I said, and I meant it with everything I am, but that doesn’t change anything.”

She scoffs. “The hell it doesn’t! Why are you doing this? If you love me, why are you sending me away?”

I sit up to face her but I can’t let my eyes meet hers. If I see the pain in them, I’ll cave. “He’s the better man for you, Mac. There’s no denying that.”

“Isn’t that for me to d


“Maybe, if I thought you’d make the right choice, but I know if given the option, you’d pick me. You can’t pick me.”

A choked sob is muffled by her hand as she covers her mouth. “Oh, I get it. You just wanted one last fuck. One last time to remember me by, right?! You never actually wanted me. You never wanted this.”

“That’s not true and you know it.”

“Do I?! Because I’m starting to believe I don’t know anything about you anymore.” She picks her dress up off the floor and throws it on. “I can’t believe I let you do this to me, again.” After grabbing her phone, she rushes out the door.

“McKenna!” I try but it’s no use.

She’s long gone before I even make it onto the dock.

LATER THAT NIGHT, I’M lying in my bed, replaying the events of today in my head. God, when she showed up looking like a perfect mix between completely enamored and royally pissed, I was knocked off my axis. I had no idea my mother even kept that letter, let alone planned to give it to her. I would lecture her about the importance of not meddling in other people’s lives, but I know it would just be a waste of breath. Her intentions were good, her timing was just a little off.

When I got home, Tatum didn’t even let me make it to the stairs before she pushed me up against the wall and kneed me in the balls. Then, after I caught my breath enough to explain, she did it again. According to her, there’s a fine line between being chivalrous and being an idiot. Still, there’s nothing she could say that would change my mind. McKenna is better off with Parker, and while I wish things were different, they’re not – which is what brings me to my current dilemma.

I stare at my phone, my finger hovering over Landon Stanford’s name. For the past three hours, I’ve been debating on whether or not to call. The job offer in Los Angeles is a great opportunity for me. I could have Roman running the show here – he’s more than qualified – and I’d be leading a new project out in California. However, what’s really making me consider taking it, is McKenna. By getting out of this small town, I’d finally be able to give her what she needs – freedom.

Facing the facts, I know that if I stay here, her and I will never fully be over. There’s always going to be that drunken night where we fall into bed together, or those fleeting looks across crowded parties. The constant battle between Parker and I in her head will never end, and that’s no way to live. She deserves to have her dreams come true. She deserves the perfect marriage with the beautiful children and the white picket fence. She deserves to be happy.

I press call and put the phone to my ear. It only takes a couple rings for him to answer, and I can tell by his tone, he’s thrilled to hear from me.

“Mr. Brooks, I was expecting to have to call you.”

I swallow down the lump in my throat. “Well, what can I say? You’re a very hard man to say no to. So, tell me more about this job in LA.”



I sit on the edge of my bed, rereading the letter for what’s probably the millionth time in the last week. No matter how much it hurts, I can’t seem to stop. How did we go from what’s written on this paper, to where we are now? This isn’t how things are supposed to be. This isn’t how my life was supposed to go.

My bedroom door opens and in one swift movement, I shove the letter back into my nightstand and kick the drawer closed. Thankfully, it’s just Ivy – who rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Yeah, I’m busted.

“Reading that thing again?!”

I shrug. “I just don’t get it.”

She sits on my bed next to me and gives me a sympathetic look. “If you’re so hung up on this, why are you still getting married?”

Ah, the infamous question – why. There are a million things I could tell her, but I can predict her response to every single one. I love Parker; but you love Colton more. I see a future with Parker; if that were true, you wouldn’t be imagining a future with Colton. Parker loves me; so does Colton. The list goes on and on, but one thing remains the same. If Colton really meant what he said, he wouldn’t have pushed me away under the pretenses of it being what’s best for me.

I come to a conclusion and stand up. “You’re right, it’s stupid. I’m over it.”