He looks at me like I’ve forgotten something important. “The annual bonfire on the beach.”

Okay, so maybe I did.

For Maverick’s 18th birthday, he wanted to have a massive bonfire. He even went through all the trouble of getting the town to grant him approval to have it on the beach. The turnout was so big that it ended up becoming an annual thing. Now, there are food trucks that come, and a local DJ volunteers to provide music for the event. It may not be for his birthday anymore, but it’s still his event. It’s one thing my brother is really proud of and I’ve missed it for the last four years. There is no way he’s going to let me miss it again, not that I’d even want to.

“Yeah. I’ll be there.”

He grins then bends down, caressing my face and pressing his lips to mine. It’s soft and sweet, with no underlying intentions. When he pulls away, the level of emotion in his eyes is overwhelming.

“Text me, okay? It’s like living in my own personal hell when you don’t.”

I nod, and with one last kiss, he leaves. My body flops back down onto the couch, burrowing under the blanket he must have covered me with while I was sleeping. Why can’t my life be simple? I wish the choice was as easy as Ivy thinks it is. Maybe she’s right. Maybe I’m just making this harder than it needs to be.

THE FRONT DOOR OPENS as I’m in the middle of putting on mascara. I don’t need to look to know who it is. No more than five seconds later, Ivy’s voice booms through the foyer.


“In here!” I shout back.

She comes around the corner and leans against the doorway to the bathroom. I can see her reflection in the mirror. She’s wearing a pair of shorts and a gray crop top, with her blonde hair straightened to perfection. I’ve always wondered why she didn’t become a model. She’s gorgeous.

“Is that waterproof?”

I smile. “Of course, it is. I know my brother. The chance of getting hit with a water balloon is high, no matter how much he promises there won’t be any.”

“Smart girl.” She chuckles.

The summer before I left for school, I made the mistake of wearing non-waterproof make up. I was absolutely mortified when I ended up looking like a raccoon only two hours into the bonfire. No amount of Tatum’s make up wipes could save my face that night.

The jeans I’m wearing cling to my hips in all the right places, and my halter top hangs perfectly around my neck. I make sure to wear a hair-tie on my wrist, just in case my hair becomes a ratty mess. Once I deem myself ready to go, I slip my phone into my back pocket and we head out.

It’s only a mile away, so Ivy and I decide to walk. That way, neither of us need to be the designated driver. There is nothing better than drinking a beer next to a fire on the beach.

“So, Colton will be there.” She says, as if I didn’t already know.


“Is Parker coming?”

I wince. “God, I hope not. He’s in Boston right now.”

Her eyebrows furrow. “It’s Saturday night.”

“I know. He has a study session with a group from one of his classes.” She hums, but doesn’t say anything. “What?”


I nudge her with my elbow. “It’s not nothing. Spill.”

She shrugs. “I just think he’s been having an awful lot of study sessions lately.”

What she’s insinuating is clear, but I can’t seem to bring myself to believe Parker would do that. He’s never been the kind of person to go behind my back. And even if he was, could I really be mad? I mean, I’ve spent the last couple months having an affair with my ex. That doesn’t exactly scream victim.

“See? That. That right there.” Ivy points at my face. “Whatever the hell is going through your head right now should be enough to tell you who you should choose.”

I roll my eyes playfully. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Mhm.” She waves me off. “Take the jump, McKenna. Just take the jump.”