“What the hell did you do that for?”

“So that we can be together. So that we don’t have to hide anymore.”

He sits up and tilts his head to the side before breaking into a fit of hysterics. My chest starts to hurt when I realize what’s happening. He doesn’t even need to open his mouth for me to know what he’s going to say. Finally, when his laughter subsides, he looks at me with an expression full of pity.

“Mac, I’ve told you this before and I’ll say it again. In a choice between you and Maverick, I’m going to pick him. You’re great in bed but you’re not worth losing my best friend over.”

I shake my head as I listen to him repeat the same words he said to me the day my heart broke. “B-but you said… You said you wanted to fight for us.”

“I said whatever I had to.” He stands up and walks toward me, running his knuckle over my cheek once he’s close enough. “You and I are never going to be more than a good time. Haven’t you learned that by now?”

My body turns to leave his room, only to find Tatum standing there with a knowing look on her face. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Their laughter bellows through the house as I run down the stairs and out the front door. The tears in my eyes make it hard to see anything at all. By the grace of God, I manage to make it back to my place. I rush through the door and into the living room.

“Parker?! Parker!” I call out through the house. “I’m so sorry. I think I made a huge mistake.”

When I don’t find him anywhere downstairs, I go up to our bedroom only to find that everything of his is missing. His clothes are no longer hanging in the closet. His dresser is completely empty. The picture of him and I from the nightstand lies shattered on the floor. He’s gone and I’m left broken and alone, again.

I jolt awake, gasping for air. The pain in my chest is excruciating as I take in my surroundings. It was just a dream. It wasn’t real. I hear Colton’s voice in the kitchen, and right after, I hear Parker respond. Shit. He’s home?! As soon as I sit up, the two of them look over at me.

“Hey, you’re awake.” Colton smiles. “I was just telling Parker about how Mav asked me to come take care of you.”

Everything I felt in that dream is still rushing through me. It seemed so real. Hell, it could end up being real for all I know. Parker eyes me carefully as if he’s trying to read what I’m thinking and I know I need to play along.

“Yeah. Can you please tell him to stop being so overprotective?”

Colton snorts. “You know that’s never going to happen.”

That’s what I’m afraid of.

When Parker comes over to hug me hello, Colton shifts uncomfortably. “Well, now that he’s home, I’m going to get going.”

“Are you sure?” Parker responds for me. “You’re welcome to stay for dinner.”

If I didn’t know Colton as well as I do, I’d miss the pain in his eyes. “No, that’s okay. I’ve got some work to catch up on, but thank you anyway.”

“I’ll walk you out.” I offer.

The two men say goodbye and Colton follows me over to the door. We both step outside and I close it behind me, making sure Parker can’t hear us.

“Thank you for coming over. You really didn’t have to do that.”

He grins and all of the emotions I can see on his face are so overwhelming they almost knock the wind out of me. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, McKenna. Never think otherwise.”

With a soft kiss on my forehead, he walks down the steps and gets in his car. I watch as he drives away, trying to rid my mind of the nightmare I just had. It only took a few weeks, and now I’m right back to where I was four years ago – hopelessly in love with Colton Brooks.

I really hope this time is different.



The sun beams down and heats my skin while music echoes through Maverick’s backyard. McKenna and I stand on opposite sides of a ping-pong table, shooting balls into the plastic cups. Ivy is beside her giving Roman what I’m guessing is supposed to be an intimidating look. We’ve been at this all afternoon. Rome and I are yet to lose one game, but they’re giving us a run for our money.

“Had I known you were this good at beer pong, I may have reconsidered my partner.” I tell McKenna as she sinks another shot.

She shrugs. “There’s plenty you don’t know about me, Brooks. I’m full of surprises.”