I brush my teeth and gargle some mouth wash before drying my face and heading downstairs. I’m sure that I look like death, with my baggy shirt and sweatpants. My hair is tied up in a messy bun that looks like it was done by a blind person. The paleness of my skin and bags under my eyes make my lack of sleep obvious to anyone that glances my direction. If his grandmother saw me this way, she would think her precious grandson is marrying a hobo.

When I get into the kitchen, I find Parker rummaging through the fridge for something to drink. He pulls out two bottles of water and hands one to me. As soon as the cool liquid slides down my throat, I sigh in relief. It feels so good to wash the acidic feeling away.

“I’m sorry I’m sick, but you should still go.”

He turns to me, frowning. “I can’t leave you here by yourself, not when you’re like this.”

“Babe, I’m a big girl. I can handle being sick on my own. And besides, she’s been really looking forward to this visit. You haven’t been there since Christmas.”

“Speaking of…” He starts and I already know what he’s going to say. “You still haven’t told me if you’re going to come to England with me this year.”

I roll my eyes. “Parker, it’s like six months away. Is an answer right now really that necessary?”

“Yes. I’d like to book our tickets in advance. Flying over the holidays can be expensive, especially international flights.”

This, this right here, is one of the things that drives me insane about him. The man standing in front of me is the same man who bought a new truck simply because he liked the color better than the one he had for only three months before that. Money has never been, and will never be, an issue for him. He’s simply being impatient and wants my answer now rather than later.

“Well, if the price of the flight is that important to you, maybe you should save the money on my ticket all together.”

He scoffs but doesn’t say anything before grabbing his wallet and keys off the counter. I watch him carefully as he walks towards me and kisses my cheek.

“Feel better and call me if you need anything.”

I nod. “Tell Nan I said hello.”

His grandmother is a wonderful person, and even though Parker may be pissing me off at the moment, I hold no resentment towards her. She’s a sweet old lady who would rather horde teabags she found on sale than take the money her daughter offers her. Parker’s mother met his father during a year of studying abroad in London. She was completely enchanted with him and never ended up leaving. He comes from a wealthy family and his mother knew she wouldn’t have to work a day in her life, so she dropped out of college and they were married the following summer. Nan, however, absolutely refused to leave America, and while she’s always been happy for her daughter, she doesn’t hide her disappointment at the way she gave everything up for a man.

As soon as I hear the garage door close, signifying that he’s gone, I grab the softest blanket I can find and wrap myself in it on the couch. When you’re sick, there’s nothing better than feeling as comfortable as possible. I turn on the investigation discovery channel – my guilty pleasure – and immerse myself into the world of criminally insane.

Halfway through the second episode of Stalked, my phone dings with a Snapchat from Colton. I open it to find a picture of him, standing in the middle of a half-built house and looking as sexy as he always does in a tight fitted t-shit. There are no words, just a picture of him staring into the camera. I swipe to respond and take a picture of myself, wrapped in my blanket with my lip puffed out in a pout.

The last few weeks, Colton and I have been spending every possible moment together. With Parker constantly being in Boston for school, it hasn’t taken much sneaking around. Don’t get me wrong, I feel guilty about going behind his back, but there’s just something about the way Colton makes me feel. I don’t think I could stay away if I tried.

Things with Colton are perfect. He’s been acting the way I’d always wished he would. There hasn’t been a single day where I haven’t gotten a good morning text from him. He always asks how my day has been and when I’m in a bad mood, he tries to make it better. I’d be lying if I said I’m not completely wrapped back up in all things him and now I don’t know what to do.

Parker is everything I should want. He’s kind, and sweet, and makes sure I know he loves me every single day even if we’re mad at each other – which isn’t often. He is the epitome of the perfect guy… for girls who want the perfect guy. Personally, I want someone who is going to challenge me. Someone who won’t deal with my bullshit simply because he’s too afraid to piss me off. I’m not asking for my house to be a constant war zone, but when everything is flawless 100% of the time, you start to get a little bored.

Colton sends back a picture, mimicking my face with text this time. What’s wrong? I take a photo of the couch in front of me to answer. It’s bad enough I let him see me looking like a hot-mess-express once today. He doesn’t need more.

Sick ??

He reads it immediately but doesn’t respond. I don’t think too much of it. Judging by his pictures, he’s at work and probably got caught up with something. I put my phone down o

n the couch next to me, letting the stories of people being stalked lull me to sleep.

I WAKE TO THE sound of the doorbell before my phone starts ringing next to me. Colton’s name flashes on the screen. I sit up, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands before answering.


He chuckles. “Are you going to let me in?”

Shit, the doorbell. “Oh. That’s you?”

“Yeah. Unlock the door.”

The two of us hang up the phone and I let my bare feet pad across the hardwood floor. As soon as I open the front door, I find Colton standing there, holding a bag from the pharmacy. He smiles warmly at me and steps inside.

“I brought the necessities.”