The three dots show he’s typing for an excessive amount of time before his text comes through.

Colton: What do you want me to say? Do you want me to tell you that you’re wrong? Ok, you’re wrong. I didn’t send them with the intention of Parker seeing the card, but if he had I wouldn’t be upset. He doesn’t deserve you.

My fingers move violently across the screen as I type my response.

McKenna: Oh, and you do?! Save it, Colton. I don’t want to hear it.

I throw my phone onto the couch with more force than necessary and it ricochets onto the floor. Great. That’s exactly my luck. I pray it’s not broken as I walk over to where it landed. Just as I go to pick it up, I hear the front door open.

“Interview outfit crisis team!” Ivy jokingly yells through the house.

I walk towards her and throw myself into her arms. “You are my lifesaver.”

“I know. Now come on, you need to get ready.”

THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOOKS exactly like I remember it. The walls are still painted the same powder blue. The lockers are still a dark yellow that looks like a failed attempt at gold. You can see where they renovated certain things like the floors and crappy ceiling tiles, but for the most part, it’s still the same place I spent six years of my life.

I walk up to the front door and hit the button for the intercom.

“How can I help you?” A voice echoes through the device.

“My name is McKenna Taylor. I’m here for an interview with Principal Jackson.”

“Okay, great. Please come to the office. Through the door and to your right.”

As soon as she stops talking, a buzzer sounds, signifying the door is unlocked. I walk inside and straight to the office as directed. The woman behind the desk is older with ash blonde hair that goes down to just below her ears. She looks sweet enough as she smiles at me and tells me to have a seat.

After a few minutes, a man comes out of an office in the back. He’s taller, probably around mid-forties, with black hair that’s styled into a military cut. He looks like someone who doesn’t just ask for respect, he demands it.

“Miss Taylor?”

He extends his hand towards me and I stand to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you, Principal Jackson.”

“You as well. Why don’t you follow me back to my office?”

The two of us walk through the swinging half door that blocks off the administration side. He gestures for me to enter the smaller room and he follows behind, shutting the door after we’re both inside. There is a football jersey hanging up on the wall with his last name and the number 14 on it.

“You played for Ohio State?”

He nods. “All four years. I was on a scholarship. Almost went pro.”

“How did you end up becoming a principal?”

“I tore my ACL during my senior year of college. By the time I was healed, the season was over and I had missed my chance.”

I can’t help but frown at the loss of his dream. “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”

Walking around to his desk, he takes one last look at his jersey and then sits down. I take the seat in front of him and fold my hands over my lap. It feels like my stomach is in my throat as I wait for him to begin.

“So, Pamela has nothing but great things to say about you.”

The corners of my lips turn upward. “That’s very nice of her. We’ve known each other since we were younger.”

“I take it you’re close then.”

“We used to be. Our schedules haven’t been in our favor for us to get together since I’ve been back, but I’m hoping to see her soon.”

He grabs a folder from the side of his desk and opens it to pull out my resume. “I see you’re a recent graduate of New York University. Magna Cum Laude, that’s impressive.”