Everything starts to go a bit hazy as I run low on oxygen. Colton must feel it too because he breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against my own. The feeling of his breath on my lips is dizzying as we’re both left panting.

“I thought you were gone again.” He whispers.

Oh crap. I hadn’t even thought about if he would try to get in touch with me. He’s never been someone who’s had to worry about me not coming back to them, until now. Now I’ve given him a reason to get scared when I don’t answer. Though, in a twisted way it makes me happy. The way he got scared that I was

going to avoid him again only shows me that he cares.

“I can’t find my phone.”

All the tension leaves his body and he presses his lips back to mine. This kiss isn’t like the one when I got here – it’s slower and more calculated. He runs one hand up my side while the other goes to my face, brushing over my cheek with his thumb. Unlike all the one’s before this, there’s no intentions behind it. Him and I both know that nothing is going to happen in the foyer of Maverick’s house, nor would either of us want it to. We’re kissing for the sole reason being that any distance between us is too much.

The sound of someone clearing their voice has Colton groaning before forcing himself to pull away. Neither of us need to look to know who’s standing there. He gives me one of his heart-stopping smiles and I have to remind myself to breathe.

“I’ll meet you in my room.”

With one more chaste kiss, he turns around and heads toward Tatum – who’s standing there with her arms crossed.

“Cock-block.” He teases, earning a playful elbow from her.

Just before he goes up the stairs, he glances at me once more and grins. I bite my lip as I watch him until he’s out of sight. When he’s gone, I turn my attention to Tatum. She gives me a knowing look and I sigh. There is no getting out of the talk I know is coming.

“Walk me to my car.” It’s not a question, it’s an order. I follow her out the door and as soon as it shuts she scoffs. “So much for nothing to worry about.”

“I know.”

“Do you though? Do you know how dangerous this is? How messy it could get?” She’s not even looking at me as she fishes her keys from her purse and heads toward her convertible.

“Yes, but what do you want me to do? Any time I’m around him, it’s like I can’t control myself.”

“Well, for starters you could stay away from him.”

I roll my eyes. “I tried that, remember? It didn’t work. Our lives are too intertwined.”

“Oh please.” She opens her driver’s side door and tosses her purse onto the passenger seat before leaning against the car. “You told him to go away like twice, and with as much conviction as a homeless man saying he’s not hungry.” I look down at the ground and focus on kicking the nearest stone. “So what, you two are together now? Should I start notifying people that the wedding is off?”

It’s a question I’ve been asking myself for the last twelve hours. I know none of this is fair to Parker. He’s a good guy and he deserves someone who is going to love him the way he deserves. I wish the debate in my mind was as simple as love versus like, but it’s not. The feelings I have for Parker may not be as strong as the ones for Colton, but they are there. All I’m sure of right now is that I need to talk to Ivy.

“Not yet. Give me a few days to figure all of this out.”

She doesn’t look happy about it but she nods and gets in the driver’s seat. “I really hope you know what you’re doing.”

I don’t answer as she closes the door and backs out of the driveway. As soon as she’s gone, I contemplate my options. I could leave and go find Ivy, or I can go back inside where Colton is waiting for me. Even the thought of there being a choice to make at all is comical. When it comes to Colton Brooks, I’m powerless.

I get to his bedroom door to find him sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard. I could never understand why he didn’t get into modeling. It’s no secret that Colton has always been one of the most attractive men in our small town, which is part of the reason why I always thought I’d never have a chance. Every girl who knew him wanted to be with him, except for Tatum. Maverick has always been the only one she wants.

He must feel me watching him because he looks up from his phone and smirks in a way that makes my insides melt. I grin in return and walk over to his bed. The second I’m close enough, he pulls me in closer to him and wraps his arm around my waist. I lean against him, feeling the heat of his body against my own.

“Did Tatum give you a hard time?”

I shrug. “I’ve heard worse.”

He scoots us both down until we’re laying flat and I roll over to rest my head on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat echos into my ear – it’s soothing. His hand gently rubs up and down my back and I feel him press a kiss to the top of my head.

“So, you don’t regret it?”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what he’s talking about and I should regret it. I know I should. Tatum was right when she warned me about how this could get messy. Maverick could find out and Colton could lose his best friend, Parker could get his heart broken, I could end up in just as many pieces as I was when I left for college – or maybe even more. But when it comes down to if I regret what happened last night, the choice is easy.

“No, I don’t.”