“My brother.” I lie, watching Ivy muffle a laugh at how quickly I covered that one.

“Ah. We’re going there tomorrow, right?”

I nod. “Yeah, we have to discuss wedding plans with Tatum.”

The look on Ivy’s face tells me she wants to say something, but ultimately, she decides against it and masks her frown with a smile. I don’t have time to question it before my mother comes in with stacks of embarrassing photo albums in her arms.

Whatever it is, it’ll have to wait.


The sunlight peaks through the blinds and lands softly on my face, waking me from my peaceful slumber. For a moment, I forget where I am until it all comes flooding back to me. The drive from New York City to Rockport, Massachusetts, seeing my bedroom again for the first time in years, laughing at memories with my mom and Ivy for hours; I’m home.

I open my eyes and lift my head to find Parker just beginning to stir. His hair is free of any product, which is rare for him. Using the moment to my advantage, I grab my phone and snap a quick picture. Just as I’m looking it over, he opens his eyes.

“What are you doing?”

I smile guilty. “Nothing.”

“Did you just take my picture?”


He rolls his eyes but pulls me down into a light kiss. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Love me forever?”

“That is what I promised, isn’t it?” He takes my left hand into his and rubs his finger over my engagement ring.

“Having second thoughts?”

“Not even remotely close. I love you, McKenna.”

“I love you, too.”

It’s true – I do love him, in the best way I know how. Parker’s good to me. He holds me when I need it, yet still gives me enough space to feel in control. To be honest, had he not been so patient and persistent, I’d probably still be single to this day. I don’t know where I would be if that were the case. Perhaps I’d be on another volunteer mission or convincing Ivy to move with me to Nashville; something we’ve talked about since we were younger. Regardless, I don’t think I’d be back here. I wouldn’t have the courage for it.

“I’m going downstairs. Are you coming?” I stand from my bed and run a brush through my long brown hair.

He stretches and yawns before answering. “I’ll meet you down there.”

I give him a bright smile and leave the room. The smell of bacon wafts into my nose as soon as I reach the bottom step. My favorite aroma of french toast comes immediately after. I can’t help but feel that sense of comfort you get from being home. It’s something I’ve really missed the last few years.

When I get into the kitchen, I find my mom standing in front of the hot stove, moving food around like some kind of professional chef. Ivy must be teaching her some things when they get together on the weekends. Having just graduated from culinary school, cooking is a passion of hers – and something she does incredibly well.

“Morning, Mom.” I walk around her and reach into the third drawer, pleasantly surprised when I find my apron still perfectly folded inside. My mother smiles as I slip it over my neck and tie it behind my back. The second our eyes meet, I realize she’s about to cry. “What?”

“Nothing. I’m just glad you’re home. I’ve missed you around here.”

I grin in return and bump my hip into hers. “Don’t be such a sap. It’s too early for overwhelming emotions. At least let me have a cup of coffee first.”

“Since when do you drink coffee?”

She looks genuinely surprised, though I’d be lying if I said she was the only one. Ever since the first time I tried coffee, I despised it. The bitter taste on my tongue was never pleasant for me. I’ve always been more for sweetness. It wasn’t until Parker insisted on meeting at a small café in the city, that I actually started drinking it.

“Uh, since like a year or so ago, I think. When you have exams to cram for, doses of caffeine become lifelines.”

“Fair enough.” She goes back to flipping the french toast and making sure the scrambled eggs don’t stick to the pan. “So, what are your plans for today?”