“Fun?! You’re saying all this – all the late nights in my room, the secret trips out of town, the hidden touches – all of that was nothing more than a casual fuck?!”


“Don’t!” Now it’s my turn to shout. I scoot away from him and lean against my headboard with my arms crossed over my chest. “Don’t say my name like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re trying not to break me. There’s no way to avoid that at this point.”

He runs his hands over his face then turns to look at me. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then don’t.”

“What else can I do?! Tell my best friend that I went behind his back and screwed his little sister for four months?! That I lied to his face all damn summer? I’ll lose him. He’ll beat the shit out of me and cut me out of his life.”

My eyes narrow. “That’s not true. Yeah, he might be pissed but he could never hate you.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t. In a choice between you and him, I have to pick Maverick.”

“I’m not asking you to choose between anyone! I just want you to give us an actual chance.”

He stands from the bed and shakes his head. “I can’t. We can’t.” Running his fingers through his hair, he looks at me as I start to break. “I’m sorry.” He bends down and places a kiss to my forehead as the first tear slips out of my eye. “Good luck at NYU. I hope you find someone who makes you happy.”

“You’re what makes me happy.” I sob.

He shakes his head and frowns. “I can’t be.”

With that, he turns and heads toward the door. The pain in my chest is more than I can bare. Just as he pulls it open, I jump up and run over – slamming it closed again.

“Don’t do this. Don’t go.”

“I have to.”

“You don’t. We can try to figure it out. There has to be a way.”

“There isn’t.” With his hands on my shoulders, he moves me out of his way. I crumble to the floor. “Bye McKenna.”

I don’t even see him leave, my eyes too watery to see anything. All I hear is the sound of his car pulling away from the house. I know they say that heartbreak is painful, but I can’t imagine anything feeling worse than this. It’s like my entire world is crashing down around me. All the plans I had for my future are now tainted by visions of the boy who will never truly be mine.

I TAKE A GLASS from the cabinet and place it down before grabbing the orange juice from the fridge. As I pour it into the cup, my phone vibrates on the counter and Colton’s name appears on the screen. Call number six.

“You’re not going to answer that?” Ivy’s voice startles me and I almost spill the juice.

“Christ, you can’t sneak up on me like that.”

“Sorry. Your mom told me to come check on you. She said your brother managed to piss you off last night and today you’ve been radio silent.”

I hit ignore on my phone and slip it into my pocket, then grab my drink. “That’s half true.”

“Well, judging by the way you just ignored Colton’s call, I’m guessing it’s not the radio silence part that’s false.”

I’d be stupid to think I could lie to my best friend, and honestly, I don’t want to. I need to talk to someone about this and I sure as hell don’t trust anyone else with it. Walking over to the couch, Ivy follows behind me. Once we sit down, I sigh as the events of last night become all too real.

“Colton kissed me.”

“He what?!” She shrieks. “When?! Why?! Did Parker hit him? Please tell me Parker didn’t hit him. Wait, a fight between those two might be fun to watch.”

“Ivy, focus!”