“Should I?”

With one last step, he’s so close that I can feel his breath on my skin. The smell of his cologne infiltrates my senses while my heart pounds rapidly against my chest. His stare bores into me with an intense level of hunger and need, reminding me of the times he’s explored my body with his hands – as if he was committing it all to memory. I can feel it; that electric buzz in the air that makes my blood run scorching hot and keeps my attention solely focused on him. There isn’t anything in existence that could keep the honesty from slipping off my tongue.


That’s all he needs to hear. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him, pressing his lips to mine. Sparks zing through my body, a feeling only he’s ever been able to cause. He’s breathing life into me and sucking it out all at the same time. His tongue slips inside my mouth, letting me taste him for the first time in entirely way too long. God, I missed it.

My hands move to his head and my fingers lace into his hair. A groan emits from the back of his throat as I tug. The sound causes my sex to spasm, craving something to clench around. In this moment, there is nothing I want more than to rip his clothes off and dive right back into everything Colton Brooks.

“McKenna? Are you alright?”

Parker’s voice from the bottom of the stairs has me pushing Colton away in an instant. My hand flies to my mouth as I realize what just happened. I cheated on my fiancé. My eyes tear up at the thought. Colton must realize what I’m thinking because he takes a step back, careful not to say anything. To be honest, I don’t think there is anything either one of us could say right now. All I know is that I need to get out of here. I slip past him and hurry towards the door.

“Mac.” He tries to stop me but I don’t listen.

My feet fly down the stairs so fast that I think I might fall. When I reach the bottom, Parker places his hands on my arms to stop me. I rip myself from his grasp as the first tear slips down my face.

“I want to go home.”

“What’s wrong? Are you alright?”

“No. I want to go home. Just take me home or give me the keys and I’ll take myself.”

Thankfully, he doesn’t question it. He pulls the keys out of his pocket and gives them to me, telling me to wait for him in the truck. I take them from his hand and head for the front door. Judging by the way I can feel someone staring at the back of my head, I know Colton is watching me from the top of the stairs. I can’t handle seeing him again – not right now, not after that kiss. So, I do exactly what he did four years ago; I leave.


I lie in my bed, staring at the ceiling and watching the fan blades spin. There are a million and one things I should be doing, but I can’t seem to focus on any of it. The only thing I can think about is the intoxicating feeling of Colton’s kiss and his body pressed against mine. However, every time I let my mind go there, it always travels back to four years ago…

“I’m telling you Ivy, today is the day.”

She chuckles into the phone. “You said that yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that and the day-”

“Okay. I get it, but there was never the right time. The fact is, I can’t wait any longer. I leave tomorrow morning so it has to be tonight.”

“If you say so.”

I roll from my back to my stomach. “I do say so. Tonight, I’m going to tell him.”

Her and I spend the next hour going over exactly what I’m going to say. When I finally feel like I’ve got it down, she wishes me luck and hangs up. To say I’m nervous would be an understatement of epic proportions. Before this past April, I never thought Colton would look at me as anything other than Maverick’s little sister. Now, well, now I just hope to hell I’m not thinking too far into this.

This summer has been amazing. Every chance we’ve had, we’ve spent time together. He sneaks into my room after Maverick passes out. We sneak away on dates that only the two of us know about. He even slips in brief touches when no one is looking. All of it has only made my feelings for him go from puppy love to the head over heels, I’d marry you tomorrow, can’t imagine my life without you, kind of love.

I’m leaving in 12 hours for NYU and the idea of ending things between us scares me half to death. Four months of finally having him is not long enough. Hell, I’m not even sure if forever is enough, but it’s a hell of a lot better than one summer.

I shower quickly, making sure to shave everywhere. If I know Colton as well as I think I do, we’ll be all over each other tonight. It sucks to think it might be the last time for a while, but if

everything goes according to plan, it won’t be too long until I see him again. Thanksgiving break is only a few months away and that’s assuming he doesn’t come to visit me at some point beforehand.

After blow drying my hair, I throw on a pair of gray shorts and a white camisole with lace on the bottom. I don’t bother straightening my light brown locks, knowing they’re going to end up in a ponytail by the end of the night anyway. Just when I finish spraying some perfume, I can hear Colton’s Shelby Mustang pull in the driveway. The engine is so loud, I’d be able to recognize it anywhere.

I run down the stairs and to the front door, opening it just as he’s walking up the steps. Before he gets inside, I jump on him. My arms wrap around his neck, my legs around his waist. He chuckles while he carries me inside and closes the door behind us. Usually we would be careful about any PDA, but no one’s home.

“You seem happy.” He places a kiss on my neck. “I half expected you to be all mopey today.”


“Well, yeah. You leave tomorrow. I know I’m not happy about it.”