I narrow my eyes at him, wondering what in the hell he’s doing. I’ve told him more than once we can’t be around each other and he doesn’t seem to want to accept that. It’s like he’s taunting me right now, mentally rubbing in my face that my plan isn’t going to work. However, everyone is looking at me expectantly and I can’t think of a reason to say no.

“Sure, why not.”

Tatum and Ivy high-five while Colton’s grin widens. I can’t help but smile back until my fiancé’s words break our stare.

“Well, you lot have fun. I have a meeting tomorrow in Boston with my advisor.”

My expression falters as I realize I’m going to be around Colton without Parker’s presence to keep me from doing something I’ll regret. Lovely.


Spending our first night in the new house was nothing short of amazing. Granted, there are still tons of boxes scattered around. Tatum and Ivy helped me unpack a few yesterday, but we somehow ended up drinking wine and laughing on my kitchen floor while the guys watched the football game in the living room. It wasn’t productive in any way, but it was fun.

I step out of the shower and can already smell breakfast cooking downstairs. A smile spreads across my face as I pull on my robe and tie it around my waist. Sure enough,

when I get into the kitchen, I find Parker standing in front of the stove, flipping pancakes in a way that tells me he has no idea what he’s doing. Giggling softly, I sneak up and hug him from behind. He flinches for a second, then relaxes in my arms.

“I didn’t know you could make pancakes.”

He hums. “I can’t. They probably won’t taste very good.”

Glancing into the bowl, I can still see clumps of dry mix. “Maybe you should let me take over?”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

My fiancé steps aside and hands me the spatula. Immediately, I dump the burnt food in the pan, into the garbage can. Parker scoffs playfully.

“Oi, I worked hard on that!”

Pulling my wet hair into a ponytail, I raise my eyebrows at him. “Oh? So, your goal is to give us food poisoning?”

He steps closer and places his lips on my forehead. “You, my love, are a pain in the arse.”

“I know.” I wink.

I make quick work of salvaging the breakfast that he almost botched and the two of us sit down to eat. He takes a bite of the pancakes and moans at the taste.

“I’m a very talented chef.” He boasts.

A humored laugh leaves my mouth and I shake my head. “Sure honey, you’re the best.” Looking around, I feel warm inside at the fact that this is our house. “I can’t get over how nice this place is.”

He hums in approval as he chews and swallows then washes it down with a sip of coffee. “Mr. Brooks does great work.”

I nearly choke at the mention of Colton. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Colton Brooks. This house is one of his designs.”

“How do you know that?”

“It was in the paperwork from the builder. He was listed as the architect. He didn’t tell you?”

I should’ve known with the way everything is so perfectly blended together. Still, he said nothing yesterday as all of us were talking about how nice it is. I’m surprised he didn’t at least mention it to Maverick or Tatum. Neither of them had any idea either – they would’ve told me.

“No, I had no clue.”

“Hmm. Well, that’ll give you something to talk about today. You’re still going to Maverick’s, aren’t you?”

To be honest, the thought of being around my ex without Parker there is scary to me. It’s not that I would jump at the chance to cheat on him, but with how Colton acted when we were alone in the truck yesterday, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.