He smirks. “You may not be able to control yourself around me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t.” I try to push him away but he doesn’t budge. “It’s not my fault you still quiver when I say your name.” His lips move to the shell of my ear. “Princess.”

My eyes close as I take a deep breath. This can’t happen. I place my hands against his chest and push as hard as I can. It works, but he quickly moves to come closer again. I put my finger up to stop him.

“No.” I say firmly. “You don’t get to do this. You ended things between us, remember?! I wanted to make it work and you said no. You were fine, while I had to put myself back together all on my own. So, you don’t get to act like you didn’t break me.” He doesn’t say anything as I wipe a stray tear from my eye. “If I say we’re staying away from each other, then that’s what we’re doing.”

Slipping past him, I go to leave the truck but stop when he calls my name. I turn around with a defeated look on my face, only to find the same expression looking back at me.

“I’m sorry.”

I give him a sad smile and shrug my shoulders, before continuing to walk away.

I DIDN’T THINK WE had a lot of stuff, but watching the guys move everything in, I’m starting to dread unpacking. However, I don’t want to get in their way, so I need to wait til they’re done to start. Instead, I’m sitting on Parker’s tailgate with Ivy and Tatum, talking about how much fun we’re going to have this summer.

“I’m telling you.” Ivy presses. “Myrtle Beach would be perfect for your bachelorette party.”

I shake my head. “No. No trips. I just want to stay he-”

My words get stuck in my throat as Colton comes walking out the front door, devoid of a shirt, with sweat glistening on his torso. His jeans hang low on his hips giving me the perfect view of the v that heads to places I shouldn’t be thinking about. He looks like something out of a magazine. His abs must have been sculpted by the gods and his skin is sun-kissed in a way that tells me he walks around shirtless often.

As I take in the sight of him, my eyes land on a tattoo that rests right beneath his collarbone. It’s a set of Roman numerals in a format that looks like a date, but I have no idea what it means. How did I miss that the other day?

“Close your mouth before you drool all over yourself.” Ivy teases, making Tatum snicker.

“I was not drooling.” My words lack confidence as I reach up and check my mouth anyway.

“What happened to your shirt?” Tatum shouts at Colton.

He looks up at us and smirks in a way that makes my heart skip and my stomach twist. When his eyes land on me, my cheeks flush. All the resistance I had earlier is gone and I’m left with way his stare can make my blood run hot.

Just as I’m about to open my mouth with whatever sassy comment I can think of, Parker walks out the door. His upper half is also bare. He’s not as toned as Colton, but still just as hot. The way he carries himself shows the level of confidence he possesses. It’s a quality that greatly increases his sex appeal.

My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water while I try to figure out when my life became a PG-13 version of Magic Mike. When I can’t think of what to say, I bite my lip and divert my eyes to the ground.

Once they’re out of sight, Ivy groans. “Seriously, Mac, the way they both look at you - you’re such a lucky bitch.”

All I can do is laugh.

AFTER FIVE HOURS AND countless trips to the truck and back, all the boxes and furniture are finally inside. We’re drinking beer to celebrate as I look around at everything I need to unpack. A part of me considers Parker’s offer of hiring someone to do it, but then I would have to learn where everything is.

Maverick is looking at his phone when suddenly, he lights up. “It’s supposed to be 80 degrees tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Mr. Weatherman.” I tease.

He rolls his eyes. “No, Squid. I’m saying we should go swimming at my house.”

“Maverick, just because the air is warm doesn’t mean your pool won’t be freezing. It’s only May.”

Colton snorts. “It’s heated.”


“The pool.” He clarifies. “It’s heated.”

“Oh, that changes things then.”

“Well, I’m up for it.” Ivy volunteers. “What do you say, Mac?”

“Yeah Mac, what do you say?” Colton pushes.