Page 112 of Returning to Rockport

“Okay, that’s not what I meant.”

“Well, in the words of the infuriating Colton Brooks, it doesn’t matter anymore. Now, where did you say my dress for this dinner is? I need to start getting ready.”

And just like that, I vow to leave this conversation and all thoughts of him where they belong – in the past.

THE WHITE LACE FABRIC clings to my body, making me glad I got so tan over the summer. Its cocktail-like length goes down to just above my knees. It’s probably a little more revealing than Parker’s mother would prefer, judging by the looks she keeps giving me, but I like it. Besides, it’s only the rehearsal dinner. It’s not like my wedding dress is this short.

“Everything alright?” Parker asks with a caring hand on my lower back.

I smile up at him. “Couldn’t be better.”

We haven’t seen each other for most of the day. His mom flew in and insisted they go to lunch together – without me. I’ve only met the woman on a few occasions, mostly when she would come and try to talk Parker into going back to England. However, each time was never very pleasant. It’s not that she doesn’t like me, it’s just that she would rather see her son with a woman of the same wealth, same social status, and preferably British. Any reason for him to stay in America is her undoing. Thoughts of Colton’s mother start to flow through my mind, but I instantly push them out. Leave it in the past.

The restaurant Parker rented out for the event is fancier than I would have preferred but gorgeous all the same. I find my comfort zone by sticking near Ivy, Tatum, Maverick, and Rome. He who shall not be named was invited, but politely declined; much to my fiancé’s satisfaction. Still, it’s probably for the best. Tonight is about Parker and I, and the marriage we’re about to embark on.

Marriage, wow. It’s a word with such strength that I never fully took into account. In two days, I will be standing in front of God and everyone we love, and promise to spend the rest of my life with him. That thought alone makes me both excited and uneasy. I embrace the former and ignore the rest. It’s just your typical cold feet – nothing to be alarmed about.

JUST BEFORE DINNER IS served, I start to feel the pressure under my future mother-in-law’s harsh glare, so I go outside to get some fresh air and a minute away. Maverick is already out there, holding his phone in his hand and looking like someone just told him some of the worst news of his life. His face is pale and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s about to cry.

“Are you okay?” I question hesitantly.

He snorts and shakes his head. “Define okay. Everything as I once knew it is gone. In a couple days, my whole life is going to be different and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.”

“Uh, what are you talking about?”

“This!” He snaps, shoving his phone into my face. “Congratulations, you did it. You pushed my best friend right out of my life.”

My heart drops as I grab the device and read over the text message.

Colton: Hey Mav. I just wanted to give you a heads up that there are boxes in the hallway. I ended up taking that job in LA. It’s a really great opportunity for me and I would be an idiot to pass it up. My flight is on Sunday.

“He’s leaving, McKenna, for good.”

Leaving? He can’t leave. What the hell is he thinking?! His whole life is here. His friends, his family, his business, everyone who loves him – me. We’re all here and he’s just going to walk away from all that?!

I sigh and run my hands over my face, careful not to smudge my makeup. Is this why he told me to marry Parker, because he wanted to take a job in California? The potential truth of that hits me right in the stomach. A job is more important to him than I am. Anger courses through me.

“I hope you realize you did this.” My brother accuses.

I scoff. “I did this?! No, you don’t get to do that. He doesn’t get to do that! Don’t you get it?! I chose him, twice! Hell, three goddamn times if you include before college. I keep choosing him, over and over and over, and for what?! So he can give some excuse as to why we can’t be together and then move away to start a new life without me?! No, fuck that. I won’t accept it. If he wants to be a coward, that’s on him, but I will not take responsibility for it.” I take the envelope from my purse and shove it into Maverick’s chest. “I was going to give him this myself, but I don’t even want to see his face. You can do it.”

Turning around, I storm back inside, feeling worse than I did when I went out there. Colton is leaving. He’s not going to be everywhere I turn anymore. And I’m stuck here – with everything that will always remind me of him. What a sick joke this turned out to be.

I sit down between Parker and Ivy, both of which watch me with concerned eyes. I give Ivy an ‘I’ll explain later’ look and smile at Parker. I can do this. I can push the mentally crippling thoughts aside for a couple more hours. I’m not going to let him ruin another night for me. He’s done enough of that lately.

My brother avoids my gaze as he comes back in and sits down beside Tatum. When he whispers something in her ear, her eyes widen. A silent conversation goes on between them and Roman before Tatum looks at me. Her expression says everything I don’t need to hear – not right now. I shake it off and mouth ‘later’ at her. To my relief, she nods.

“If I could have everyone’s attention, please.” Parker says as he stands up with his glass. “I’d just like to make a toast to my beautiful bride. McKenna, I cannot tell you how lucky I am to be able to call you my wife in just 48 short hours. You are the brightest light on my darkest days and I love you dearly.”

I blush as we all take a sip of champagne, but I don’t miss the heavy stone sitting in my stomach.

THE BAR IS LOUD, but my thoughts are louder. As soon as the rehearsal dinner was over, Ivy and Tatum informed me they were taking me out for my bachelorette party. It was

a welcome surprise, being as the last thing I need right now is to sit in a room with Parker and his parents. My ‘I’m so happy to be marrying your son’ act may not be all that convincing tonight.

Ivy smiles at something behind me, but before I can turn around, two hands cover my eyes.

“Guess who?” A voice says into my ear.