As students start to filter in, Trent gives me an apologetic smile and leaves the room. It’s not that I’m still pissed at him. Okay, maybe I am, but it’ll fade in time. It’s just a little difficult not to want to punch him when I’m standing in the middle of my own personal hell.

HALFWAY THROUGH THE DAY, Tessa’s phone still sits in my drawer, tempting and taunting me. It’s practically begging me to look at it. Invading someone’s privacy is wrong, and something I used to hate when my ex did it to me. But the chance of knowing a little more about the girl who has managed to get the most response out of me in years is too difficult to pass up.

I pull the phone from my drawer and swipe to open it, only to feel disappointed when it immediately asks for a password. I rack my brain to try to think of what it could be.

123456. No.

543210. Nope.

With the obvious ones out of the way, I wonder if maybe it could be numbers that spell out a word. Lennon seems to be her closest friend.

536666 for L-E-N-N-O-N. Access Denied.

Fuck. What the hell could it be? I swallow down the lump in my throat as I try the next one and hope it hell it’s not correct.

O-A-K-L-E-Y. 625539. One more attempt before the phone locks.

Sighing in relief, I never thought I’d be so glad to get it wrong. Okay, I’ve only got one more chance before it locks for the next five minutes—long enough for me to talk myself out of this moronic idea. Then, an idea comes to mind.


The phone opens instantly, and I can’t help but laugh. The girl actually made orgasm her password. Why does that not surprise me? After checking to make sure no one is around, the first thing I do is go to her text messages with Oakley. It’s pathetic how badly I need to know what they were talking about.

Oakley: I’m serious, Tess. Come out with me on Saturday.

Tessa: And why would I do that?

Oakley: Because I’m the best. Duh.

Tessa: Yeah, I’ve heard. The best at making a girl regret the night before.

Oakley: Ouch. You wound me.

It ends there, making me glad I took their phones when they did. Then again, it looks like she had the situation completely handled. Oakley may want her, but she’s not an option he has. Especially not if I have any say in the matter.

I know I should stop. I found what I was looking for and now I should put the phone back in my drawer where it belongs. My fingers, however, don’t get the memo, as they go back and open up her text with Lennon. The thread seems never-ending, so I stop the first time I see my name.

Lennon: Are you okay? I’m sorry I left you there, but my dad would have killed me if I wasn’t back by the time he woke up.

Tessa: It’s fine, honest. Not a single part of me minded waking up in Asher’s bed.

Lennon: How’d that go?

Tessa: The exact way I’d expect it to. His mouth says we can’t but his eyes say something else.

Lennon: Think you’ll wear him down?

Tessa: Have you met me?

A student clears their throat, and I instantly click off the screen and put it on my desk. Toby stands in front of me, looking confused.

“Can I help you?”

His brows stay furrowed. “Why do you have a rose gold phone?”

I grab the device and toss it into the drawer. “Why are you so goddamn nosy? Now, what do you need?”

Thankfully, he sighs and changes the subject, bringing it to something safer and more controlled—the assignment. I need to be more careful, but there’s something about her that makes me forget who I am and what I want. And judging by those texts, she has no intention of stopping this little game she’s playing.