ible view.

“It’s beautiful.” Her voice is soft, delicate.

I stand behind her with my arms casing her in, just admiring the beauty of it all and enjoying how I feel in this moment. Over all the years I played in the NFL, all the times I accomplished my dreams, I’ve never felt as content as I do right now, and it’s because of her. She brings out the best in me.

Tessa turns in my hold and places her hands on my face. “Thank you for showing me this, and for everything today. You were right, this is a night I’ll always remember.”

I smile as I bend down and connect our lips in a sweet, passionate kiss. Every feeling in my body is electrified. My heart pounds against my rib cage, threatening to break free. It’s like I’ve never kissed her before, but I guess that’s partly true. Kissing may not be a new thing for us, but it’s never been like this. There’s something else to it. Something more.

THE NIGHT COMES TO an end, despite me mentally willing it to keep going, and Tessa and I say our goodbyes before climbing back inside the limo. She grabs her phone and sends a quick selfie to Delaney before texting Lennon back. The happiness that radiates off her is contagious, and I find myself just staring at how good it looks on her.

As the limo drives down the street, the loud sound of motorcycles vibrates the seats. They come up with one on each side before cameras start flashing. Tessa turns to me with a panicked look on her face—which is thankfully still covered by the mask. The windows are tinted, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I wrap an arm around her and pull her closer while lowering the divide to the driver. Shouts of my name can just faintly be heard over the roar of their engines, and I’ve never been so glad to only hire the most experienced drivers.

“Try to lose them please, Elijah.”

He nods and glances at me in the rear view. “Yes, sir.”

The lights fill the backseat as Tessa burrows her face in my neck. I gently massage the back of her head to soothe her, but I know nothing can really be done until we get rid of these guys.

In one particularly ballsy move, one of the motorcycles goes ahead of the limo and tries slamming on its breaks to get us to stop. Elijah swerves out of the way and manages to avoid hitting him, but whole car jerks as he has to correct the move. Tess screams and clings onto me tighter.

“It’s okay,” I whisper, kissing her head. “We’re almost home.”

Elijah pulls up to the gate and rolls down the window to enter the code. Even more chaos ensues as people scream my name and start running toward the car. Thankfully, the gates open and he pulls through before any damage can be done. He pulls around to the elevator that is thankfully out of view and brings the car to a stop.

“I am so sorry,” I tell her, worried about how shaken up she is.

She pulls away and after glancing around, she sighs in relief. I reach behind her head to remove the mask and look her over to make sure she’s all right. Then, once I’m satisfied with what I see, I pull her in for a desperately needed kiss.

“Are you okay?”

She nods. “Yeah. That was just unexpected. Does that happen a lot?”

“No.” I get out of the car and wait for her. “They’ve just been eager for information on you. Apparently who I’m fucking is prime information, or at least that’s how Colby put it.”

Her laugh is everything I needed, and the tension leaves my body in an instant. I shake Elijah’s hand and give him a rather large tip, keeping my attention on Tessa.

“Well, if Colby said it, it must be true,” she quips.

“Is that right?”

The smile on her face gets brighter, yet more devious. “Yeah. I like him more than you.”

My brows raise as I back her into the corner of the elevator. “Oh really? Well, I don’t think that’ll do. You know how possessive I can be.”

“Maybe that’s exactly why I said it.”

Now that doesn’t surprise me. She’s always finding ways to mess with me, and secretly, I fucking love it.

“In that case…”

Her arms wrap around my neck as I pick her up and pin her to the wall. I press a button on the elevator and feel as it jerks to a stop. Our tongues tangle together and I get lost in everything her. After a night like tonight, ending it any other way would just be wrong.

SUNDAY FLIES BY, AND before I know it, it’s Monday afternoon and I’m packing up my stuff to go home. The rain pouring down outside means practice is canceled. It’s relieving, honestly. All I’ve wanted to do is go back to my place and spend time with my girl. Fuck, Colby would call me a total sap right now.

A knock at my classroom door makes me look up, and Trent stands there, holding what looks like a newspaper. My brows furrow as I look at it and he steps inside.