He looks me up and down, a move he’s done numerous times since we got here. “What makes you think I’m afraid?”

I step closer, arching up to place my mouth right next to his ear. “Because you’ve been undressing me with your eyes for last five hours, and you’ve yet to do anything about it.”

“Maybe I’m just enjoying the view.”

“You and every other guy in here,” I sass.

I know my words hit their intended target when his jaw locks and he pulls me into his arms.

“What’s the matter, Ash? Jealous?”

He masks his expression with a smirk. “Not at all.”

“Oh, good,” I feign relief. “Because I’ve been really hoping to hook up with one of your teammates.”

“That’s not funny.”

Cocking one brow, I put on my best show. “Who’s joking? Maybe I’ll even grab a couple. Make it a ménage à trois.”

The wink I send pisses him off, but my eyes scanning the room for potential suitors turns him fucking livid. He steps in my way to block the view and glares down at me.

“Do you like making a sport out of seeing how far you can push me?”

I take a sip of my drink. “It passes the time, but I do have one serious question.”

His eyes roll playfully. “And what’s that?”

“What are you going to do when I find someone who doesn’t hold back? Someone who isn’t afraid to lay me down and fuck me into the mattress? Someone who will give me exactly what I’m craving?”

The grin falls from his face and I can see the dread that fills his mind. “Tess.”

Shrugging, I keep my gaze locked on his. “I mean, you’ve said it yourself. I’m young and beautiful. It’s bound to happen eventually.”

“Not if I have anything to fucking say about it,” he growls, then all bets are off.

He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into him. Our lips crash together in a feverish kiss that threatens to suck the breath right from my lungs. It’s as messy as it is needy, but nothing between us is ever anything but. The chemistry we have is explosive, and I

’m surprised it took this long to get here. If I had it my way, we would have fucked in the car on the way to the airport yesterday, Colby be damned.

“Come with me.”

He grabs my hand and pulls me through the party and into the first bedroom he finds. As soon as the door shuts, he pushes me up against it. We can still hear everyone on the other side of the thin wood, but he doesn’t seem to care.

“What if someone walks in?”

His hand drags up my side, teasing and tantalizing. “Let them. You’re mine, Tessa. I dare anyone to try to tell me otherwise.”

Every word out of his mouth is like hearing my favorite song. It brings me to life and calms me down all at the same time. I grip the front of his shirt and tug him closer.

“In that case, do me one favor.”

He licks his lips. “What’s that?”

“Don’t hold back.”

His touch moves up until his fingers are toying with the strap on my shoulder. “Trust me, baby. There will be none of that.”

He pulls the piece of fabric down my arm, repeating the same on the other side until the dress pools on the floor. His eyes rake over my body like I’m his favorite dessert and he’s dying for a taste. He moves his mouth to my neck and presses soft kisses to the sensitive skin. It’s almost like he’s trying to torture me for pushing him, but no part of me is sorry. Not when this is the result.