She lets out an aggravated sound. “We’re going to talk when you get back.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

As soon as I hang up the phone, I exhale, and Colby laughs. I almost smack him upside the head, and I would have if a familiar voice didn’t distract me.

“What’s so funny?”

I look over at the bedroom door, finding Tessa standing there in only my T-shirt. My hand flies to cover Colby’s eyes as I let my gaze rake over her. My God, she’s a fucking knockout.

“Nothing, babe. If you want a shower, go take one now. We’re going to breakfast soon.”

She nods and disappears back inside the room.

THE LOOK ON TESSA’S face when she realized we were going to a game was priceless, and it was even better to see how into it she got. From screaming Colby’s name as he scored four touchdowns, and get

ting pissed off when the ref made a bad call, it was perfect. However, I know nothing will compare to what’s about to come.

We pull up to the mansion the guys rented to celebrate in. After a 42 to 0 win, it was more than justified. I help Tessa out of the car, trying not to gawk at how she looks in that dress. I swear, the whole damn room could be on fire, and I would have no idea. My attention is entirely absorbed by her.

Stepping inside, the whole place is so upbeat, it’s electric. Everyone is having the time of their lives, like they usually do after they take another team to the woodshed like they did. I grip Tessa’s hand in mine and watch as she takes it all in.

“I don’t know what’s more amazing, this house or how happy everyone is. This is your life?”

A wide grin stretches across my face. “Unbelievable, right?”

She nods and looks around, mesmerized. “Incredible.”

The two of us make our way around the party, stopping to congratulate the players I didn’t manage to catch right after the game. Each one of them is completely taken by Tessa and her sassy charm. They can get in line. If I wasn’t such a jealous prick when it comes to her, I’d probably find it amusing.

I’m in the middle of drinking a beer and listening to Tessa and Colby banter about how she could probably take him on the field, when I notice her surprise only steps behind her. The resemblance between them is too obvious for it to go unnoticed. The guy standing next to her looks nothing like I expected, but after hearing what he did, I have the utmost respect for him.

Delaney puts her finger to her mouth and quietly steps up behind Tessa. Once she’s close enough, she chuckles.

“Typical Tessa. Always finding something to argue about.”

Tess’s eyes double in size and instantly water up as her sister’s voice registers in her ear. In a split second, she turns around and throws herself into her arms. Delaney smiles brightly as they embrace, mouthing a silent thank you my way. I answer with a nod.

“Wait, there’s two of them?” Colby practically salivates at the mouth. “Bruh.”

Knox accepts the beer I hand him and takes a sip. “Yeah, there are, and I don’t care how many people love you. Don’t even fucking think about it.”

He glances over at Knox and looks him up and down, then shrugs. “Fair enough.”

When Tessa finally lets go of Delaney, she turns to me. “You did this?”

“I may have had something to do with it.”

With the biggest smile, she lunges at me and leaps into my arms. Colby grabs my beer before I drop it, allowing me to hold her tightly. She murmurs a million thank you’s with her head buried in my neck, but that’s not what makes it worth it. The smile on her face is all the thanks I need.

I put her down and she takes a step back, slotting herself next to her sister. Delaney leans into her with her eyes stuck on me.

“Have I ever told you that you have really good taste?”

Tessa laughs. “Maybe once or twice.”

I can’t help but smile as Knox clears his throat and raises his eyebrows at Delaney. She smiles sweetly—in the same way I’ve seen Tessa do a million times when she knows she’s in trouble—and blows him a kiss. Knox, even as strong as he is, seems to lose all his fight the second he pulls her into his arms and breathes in the smell of her hair. Yeah, I know that feeling.

I’M STANDING NEAR THE bar, watching from a distance as Tessa and Delaney sing “Livin’ on a Prayer” at the top of their lungs. The whole place is full of people enjoying themselves, but nothing sticks out like she does. The glow in her eyes and the smile on her face—it’s intoxicating. I could stand here and watch her for hours. Colby appears next to me and takes a swig of his beer.