“Me? I can’t believe he didn’t catch me!”

Colby chuckles. “I thought I was going to, like in the movies, but then you hit the floor. Oops?”

Asher glares at him playfully. “Yeah, oops my ass.”

It’s nice, being here with him and seeing him this carefree. He’s always walking around with a scowl on his face and keeping me at arm’s length. But now? Now, he’s sitting directly next to me, with his leg pressed against mine. It’s probably because of what happened last night. The fear of something happening to me got to him in a way I didn’t think it would. Still, I’m not about to complain.

“All right,” Colby announces, standing up. “I’ve got to get going. Lennon, you said you need a ride home, right?” She nods, and then Colby turns to me. “Tess? You want a ride?”

My eyes meet Asher’s, and his brows raise in question. The fact that he’s not jumping at the chance to get me out of here is something to take note of. Whether it’s because he doesn’t want me to go with his friend or because he genuinely wants me to be here, I’m not sure. I can’t help but smile as I look down at my lap and Asher answers the question for me.

“Nah, I want to keep an eye on her for a bit,” he tells him. “Make sure she’s okay and all that.”

Colby snorts. “Yeah, we’ll pretend that’s why.”

Asher flips Colby the bird, and Lennon gives me a hug before they both head out the door.

“So, now that they’re gone…” He gives me a look. “Are you okay?”

No, but there’s no way in hell I’m telling you that. “Yes. I mean, I want to find out who they are and rip their dicks off with my bare hands, but yeah. I’m okay.”

He smiles brightly, and it’s fucking infectious.

“What?” I question.

“You’re like a cherry bomb—cute and little but fucking explosive.”

I ponder it for a second before biting my lip. “Dangerous. I like it.”

His eyes stay locked on my mouth a long time, and I consider doing it again, but decide against it. My stomach is still queasy, and the last thing I need is to finally get what I want, and throw up on him during it.

A bit of silence fills the room, but it’s not nearly as awkward as it could be. Finally, I break it by laughing.

“I still can’t believe you let go.”

He throws his hands up in exasperation. “He said he would catch me!”

I shake my head. “If he had, you both probably would have gone to the ground.”

“Yes, but I would have had him to break the fall.”

“Using your best friend as a human cushion,” I joke. “How nice of you.”

Looking at me, he smirks. “You’re feisty when you haven’t had something to eat.”

I roll my eyes. “No, I’m feisty in general. Don’t act like this is a surprise to you.”

“Touché,” he says, and stands up. “But I’m making you something to eat anyway. It’s noon, and the last thing you put in your stomach came back up this morning.”

Grimacing, I sink down into the couch. “Don’t remind me.”

Asher snickers as he walks into the kitchen, and I pull out my phone to text Delaney. I know she’s going to flip when I tell her what happened, but it’s better she hears it from me than someone else. At least then she’ll know I’m okay while she has a conniption.

AN HOUR LATER, ASHER and I are sitting in the kitchen, eating grilled chicken wraps. I would have been fine with a simple peanut butter and jelly, but he claimed I needed more protein than that after last night. I’m glad I didn’t argue, because this is delicious.

“Where did you learn to cook?” I inquire.

As opposed to last time, he’s sitting right next to me instead of keeping a whole bar stool between us. He finishes chewing, swallows, and wipes his mouth with a napkin.