Lennon looks confused and glances over at Colby. Meanwhile, Asher comes into the room holding a bottle of water and some painkillers.

“She doesn’t remember anything,” Asher explains to Lennon, then turns his attention to me. “Here. It’s higher grade Tylenol. It’ll help with the headache.”

I thank him quietly and take the pills. I’m ready for anything to get rid of the throbbing.

Lennon and I sit down on the couch. She cuddles into me, and I welcome the gesture. There’s something in my gut telling me that whatever they’re about to tell me, I’m not going to like. Between the look Colby and Asher are giving each other, and the fact that Lennon spent the night at Asher’s with me, it’s got to be bad.

“Okay, someone spill, because nothing is worse than not knowing.”

Both Lennon and Colby look at Asher, who sighs and comes to sit on the coffee table in front of me. He places a hand on my knee, which in any other circumstance would be exhilarating, but not today. Not now.

“Last night,” he pauses to swallow, “you were drugged. Two guys slipped something into your drink and then lead you upstairs.”

My stomach drops, and the need to throw up surfaces again. “Did they…”

“No,” all three of them answer my unspoken question.

Asher gives me a sad smile. “Lennon came to me and Colby, and we managed to find you before they could do anything. I don’t know exactly what they did, but when I got to you, you were still fully clothed.”

This is the second time I’ve been taken advantage of, and this one I don’t even remember. For all I know, I could run into the guys again, and I wouldn’t know not to trust them. My chest tightens the same way it has many times before, and I know I need to get out of here. I gently move Lennon and jump up off the couch.

“Excuse me,” I murmur as I run out of the room.

The second I get into the bathroom, I shut and lock the door behind me—leaning against it and trying to catch my breath. My heart pounds like it wants to break out. My hands are clammy, my eyes wet with tears.

Why me? Why can’t I just live a normal, traumatic-event-free life? Did I do something so horrible to deserve this?

This isn’t the time or the place for this. Keep it in, swallow it down.

A light knock on the door grabs my attention, and for a second I panic.

“Tess?” Lennon asks softy.

I relax at the sound of her voice. “One sec.”

Splashing some water on my face, I do the best I can to level my breathing. Then, I open the door and step out. My best friend stands there, watching me carefully. I can see the silent question in her eyes.

“I’m all right. I just thought I might throw up again, but I didn’t.”

She sighs and pulls me in for a hug. “Are you sure? You went through a lot.”

“Please. You know me. It’s going to take more than a couple assholes with shitty morals to bring me down.” I put on my best fake smile and hope to hell she buys it. “Come on, let’s get back out there before Asher sends the national guard to make sure I’m okay.”

That makes her chuckle. “He really does get crazy protective over you.”

We go back out to find Asher and Colby standing by the kitchen, speaking in hushed tones. As soon as his eyes land on me, Asher’s attention to whatever Colby is saying vanishes. I give him a sad smile and nod once to let him know I’m fine. Well, as fine as I can be right now, anyway—but I won’t admit that until I’m alone in my room.

THE FOUR OF US spend the morning, or at least what’s left of it, goofing around and watching videos of Asher and Colby at some party a couple years ago. Apparently, Griffin thought it would be hilarious to get them both piss drunk and record everything they do, and well, he was right. It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen.

Asher hangs off the balcony overlooking the living room, as Colby stands beneath him with his arms spread wide open, screaming “Let It Go” from Frozen. The whole party watches them like they’re fucking insane, and you can tell Griffin is laughing hysterically by the way he can’t keep the camera still.

“Promise you’ll catch me?” Asher begs, looking down at Colby.

“I promise!” he calls back.

Finally, Asher lets go of the banister and falls straight through Colby’s arms. He lands in a heap of limbs on the floor, groaning in pain as Colby stares at his empty arms in disbelief. When he realizes what happened, he falls over and clutches his stomach while laughing. Asher kicks him in the ass and calls him a douchebag before crawling to the kitchen to get another beer.

“I can’t believe you let go!” I tell him in disbelief.