She glances over at Lennon and her brows furrow. “I saw her go upstairs with some guy like ten minutes ago. So, I’d assume she’s still up there.”

Fuck. I mumble a quiet thanks and rush over to the stairs. Just as I’m about to go up, Colby grabs my arm.

“Dude, think about this for a second,” he pleads. “If she went up there willingly, you risk making yourself look like a crazy person who’s just jealous and possessive over the girl you won’t allow yourself to have.”

I take a deep breath and turn my attention to Lennon. “You’re sure?”

She nods immediately. “She would’ve at least texted me.”

“That’s all I need to know.”

Ignoring the advice of my friend, I book it up the steps, taking them two at a time. As soon as I’m at the top, I start checking bedrooms. If I’ve learned anything from coming to parties like this, is that the ones doing something wrong are always the ones to lock the door. After catching way too many people in the throes of it, I finally find that one at the end of the hall.

“Shh! Quiet,” someone whisper-shouts as soon as I try turning the knob.

I look behind me to see both Colby and Lennon standing there. Colby gives me a nod, silently telling he’s on my side, no matter what. I back up just enough and then slam my foot full force into the door. It cracks in half and swings open, hanging only by one hinge.

“What the fuck?” a guy asks angrily as I push myself into the room.

As soon as I get inside, my stomach tightens and my rage builds to unimaginable levels. Tessa lies on the bed, barely conscious, with her clothes in disarray. Two pricks I don’t recognize stand there looking at me and Colby with pure fear in their eyes.

“Yo, this isn’t what it looks like. She asked us to bring her up here.”

“Yeah?” I grab the closest guy by his collar. “Was that before or after her clothes started falling off?”

He gulps and shakes his head rapidly. “I-I didn’t know she was taken, man.”

That only pisses me off more. Like the fact that she’s single would make it okay for him to do whatever he damn well pleases.

“Colby, get Tessa and Lennon out of here.”

He does what I say without question, picking up Tess and leaving me alone with these two pieces of shit. I ball up my fist and swing it directly into the closest one’s stomach. He cries out as he hunches over, but I’m instantly pulling him back up.

“What the fuck did you give her?”

“I didn’t give her anything!”

Throwing him to the floor, I turn my attention to the other shithead. “You, then. What was it?”

He steps backward and right into the corner. “Rohypnol. I slipped it in her drink. I’m sorry!”

A part of me knows I should walk away. I’ve got a girl that needs my attention waiting for me outside. However, as I go to leave, I realize I can’t just let this little shit get away unscathed. I turn back around to find him trying to check on his friend. When he looks up at me, his eyes widen. In one swift move, I punch him directly in the face—finding comfort in the way his bone cracks beneath my knuckle. Serves him right.

“Let me find out you do this shit again, and I’ll personally make sure both of your dicks no longer work.”

I push through the crowd of people, not giving a damn when I make some guy spill a drink on himself. The second I get out the front door, I spot Colby and Lennon down the street, leaning against my car. Jogging over to them, I see Tessa lying across my back seat.

“Is she okay?”

Colby shrugs. “As okay as she can be. She’s pretty fucked up.”

I sigh and stretch out my now aching hand. “They roofied her.”

“They what?” Lennon shrieks. “Like, the date rape drug?”

Nodding, I check her over. “One of them must have slipped it in her drink when she wasn’t looking. How are you feeling? You okay?”

She wraps her arms around herself. “A bit freaked out, but I definitely don’t feel like she does.”