Asher: Don’t you have a worksheet to do? Oh, no wait. That’s right. You copied off Lennon.

I roll my eyes and glance up at him just long enough to see him wink.

Tessa: Your stalker tendencies are getting a little extreme. You should see about getting some help for that.

Asher: Ha. Ha. You’re just such a comedian.

Tessa: I know. I’m hilarious.

Asher: So, with the risk of sounding concerned, is everything okay? Why were you late?

The thought of him caring enough to ask is heartwarming. I wonder if he realized I wasn’t here before I came in late. Instead of being vulnerable, however, I keep that side of me hidden away.

Tessa: Aw, look at you caring about my wellbeing.

Asher: Tessa.

Tessa: I’m fine, worry wart. I overslept. That’s all.

As I press send, the bell rings and we all gather our things. I purposely take my time so that I’m the last student to leave the room. Asher is standing by the board and stops me just before I step out. He lightly wraps his fingers around my wrist. Just the touch is enough to ease some of the pain.

“You sure you’r

e all right?”

I nod, hoping that my face doesn’t give me away. “I had trouble sleeping last night. I’ll be fine, really.”

He looks like he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying, but he’s not sure he wants to push it. So, he doesn’t. “Okay. Just checking.”

THE CAFETERIA IS FILLED with chatter like usual, only this time, it’s actually bothering me. I’m so tired, and all I want to do is sleep. If I wasn’t afraid of my dad finding out, I’d sign myself out for the day and go home.

Tanner and Kellan are talking about the game this Friday when Charleigh shrieks. I cringe at the sound and turn my head toward her.

“Uh, Char, do you mind?”

She smiles sheepishly. “I’m sorry, but I think you’ll be excited about this, too. My cousin is going to a frat party this weekend at NHU, and she said I can come.”

I look at her like she’s lost her mind. “And that would excite me, why?”

“Because you’re coming with me, duh.”

Okay, so maybe she’s right. That does spark my interest. Things have been getting a little tense lately, and a college party at North Haven University may be just the thing I need.



For most of the week, something has been off with Tessa. Something I can’t exactly put my finger on. On Monday, she was her usual self, pushing limits at every turn and making me question my sanity for resisting her in the first place. Then on Tuesday, she came in late, and a totally different person. I could see it in her eyes; she’s struggling with something. But it’s clear she doesn’t trust me enough to talk to me about it. Whatever it is, I hope she’s all right.

Thursday afternoon, I walk out onto the field where all the players are waiting for me. They’re stretching and warming up, which is exactly what I want them doing. Once they see me, they all line up and wait for my instruction.

“All right,” I begin. “I know you’re all nervous about tomorrow’s game. It doesn’t take being here a while to know how strong the rivalry is between us and North Haven High. It’s been years since this team defeated theirs, but tomorrow night, all that’s going to change.”

A few of them look unsure, and Kellan even rolls his eyes.

“Something to say, Spencer?”

He sighs, tugging on the collar of his shirt. “No offense, Coach, but they beat us even with Grayson Hayworth as our quarterback. Tanner is good, but he’s no Grayson.”