Lifting me, Asher places my ass on top of his desk and spreads my legs open to stand between them. His hand slides up the inside of my thigh slowly, teasing me with every inch. Each touch is like fire, and the wait for him to reach where I want is fucking excruciating. I throw my head back and moan.

“Tessa,” he whispers with the softest pressure against my clit.

“Fuck, Asher,” I breathe.

He clears his throat and says my name again. “Tess.”

My eyes fly open, and I instantly wish the whole damn world could just swallow me whole. Standing in front of me is no other than Asher himself, and judging by the look on his face, he knows exactly what I was just dreaming about.

“I, uh, made breakfast,” he tells me, then turns around and walks out—leaving me to deal with the embarrassment.

As I sit up, I realize that I’m dressed in Asher’s clothes, the dress I wore last night is folded neatly on the chair, along with my shoes and my purse. What the hell happened? I go over and dig a hair tie out of my bag. Then, once I tie my hair back and fix my makeup, I venture out of the bedroom.

The second I open the door, the smell of breakfast wafts throughout the penthouse and infiltrates my senses. My stomach growls at the thought of eating something that will absorb the alcohol and ease the pounding in my head. Hangovers always have been a bitch.

Approaching the kitchen, I’m graced with the vision of Asher cooking a full damn buffet. He’s got scrambled eggs and bacon on the stove, pancakes on a skillet, and he’s chopping some fresh fruit on the counter. My brows furrow as I wonder who the hell he’s feeding.

“Please tell me your parents aren’t coming over or something. What’s with the feast?”

He looks up, and I can tell he’s trying not to smile. “No, I was just hungry, and I figured you could use something to eat.”

I nod, sitting on the bar stool directly across from him. Looking around, however, something occurs to me.

“Where’s Lennon?”

“I had Colby take her home last night,” he grumbles.

The fact that he won’t even look my direction isn’t lost on me. I start to wonder if something may have happened last night—something he regrets. For the first time in what feels like forever, an uncomfortable heaviness consumes me.

“We didn’t do anything, did we? You and I?”

Okay, so maybe I should have waited to ask that until he wasn’t tasting the eggs. At the sound of my words, he practically chokes, coughing violently and pounding his fist against his chest. When he’s done and can breathe easily again, he shakes his head.

“No, Tessa. Drunk and unconscious isn’t exactly my type.”

Relief washes over me. It’s not that I don’t want to do anything with him, because Lord knows I do. It’s just that I’d hate for it to happen and me not remember it. I’m a greedy bitch, especially when it comes to him.

I smirk and lean forward with my elbows on the counter. “Oh yeah? And what is your type?”

His gaze locks with mine, and he slowly walks around until there’s nothing but air in between us. “Gorgeous, smart, confident...”

He pauses just inches away from me and glances down at my lips. I’m frozen in place, wondering if he’s actually going to give me what I want, until he slips a piece of strawberry into my mouth.

“…and out of high school.”

My shocked look turns to a glare as he shoots me a wink and steps back. “You’re an asshole.”

Chuckling, he grabs the remote and cuts the music off. “You’re just figuring that out?”

He plates the food and puts one in front of me before sitting down, with a full empty seat in between us. I roll my eyes as I take a bite. Could he be any more childish? Not even able to sit next to me. It’s like we’re in preschool and he thinks I have cooties. Meanwhile, I’m nearly having an orgasm over the fact that this guy can cook.

The two of us eat in awkward silence and when I’m done, he grabs my plate for me and puts it in the sink.

“Here,” he says, handing me two Advil. “Take them.”

“Yes, sir.”