“I can’t,” I bite out through gritted teeth.

“Why not? She’s legal. She’s hot as hell. And, she wants you.” He backs away and holds up his drink-filled hands. “But hey, your loss. Just don’t blame me for not making the same mistake.”

“Colby—” The tone of my voice is a warning, but it only causes his smile to grow.

“What? She’s not my student.”

The second he turns away, I snap. My hand flies out to grab him by his shirt, and I yank him backward until he slams into the bar. I maneuver my body in front of him so he’s trapped and put a hand on his chest to hold him in place.

“You so much as think about taking advantage of that girl, and I swear to God I won’t be the only player taken out of the NFL by an injury this year.”

Despite the fact that I’m close to snapping his neck, Colby starts to laugh. It’s then that I realize I just played directly into his game. He wanted to see just how much this girl gets to me, and he got exactly what he was looking for. I let him go and run my fingers through my hair.

“Fuck you, Hendrix.”

That only makes him even more smug. “Hey, don’t hate me because you’re so hung up on her that you’re ready to hurt anyone who threatens to take her from you.”

I shake my head. “She’s not mine to be taken from.”

“And who’s fault is that?”

Someone clears their throat, breaking the intense conversation Colby and I were just having. I turn my head to see Lennon standing there with a sheepish look on her face.

“Uh, I don’t mean to interrupt, but we have a bit of a problem.” She nods her head toward the living room, where Tessa is curled up on the couch and fast asleep. “She mumbled something about the room spinning and being sleepy, then laid down and passed out.”

Fuck, okay. I rub my hands over my face as I try to think of what to do. I could have Colby take her home, and I would if he didn’t spend the last few hours flirting with her just to screw with me. I could get her home myself, but judging by the amount of alcohol she’s had, it would probably require carrying her inside. I can only imagine what her parents would do if they saw me bringing their wasted daughter home from my party. Nope. Next option.

I run through all the possible solutions in my head, but one by one they each get ruled out for one reason or another. Finally, I’m only left with one, and fuck if Colby isn’t going to be a cocky little prick about it.

“Clear everyone out of here,” I tell him, then turn to Lennon. “You, come with me.”

We go over to the couch where Tessa is curled into a ball. I bend down and carefully scoop her up before carrying her into my room and placing her on my bed. It takes a second for me to find the smallest pair of sweatpants I own and a T-shirt, but once I do, I hand them to Lennon.

“I’m going to help Colby. Help her change and come get me when you’re done.”

She nods and I leave the room so they have some privacy.

Thankfully, by the time I get back in the living room, most of the stragglers are gone, and the rest are grabbing their things and heading toward the exit. I take a garbage bag from under the sink and start cleaning up. Sure, I could wait until my housekeeper comes in the morning and leave it for her to do, but to be honest, I need something else to focus on. Otherwise, I’ll think about the fact that Tessa is currently being undressed right now in my bed—and neither my brain, nor my cock, can handle that right now.

“So, what’s the plan?” Colby asks as Lennon comes out.

I take a pillow and blanket from the linen closet and toss it onto the couch. I could sleep in the guest room, but it’s too far away to hear if Tess gets sick in the middle of the night.

“You’re going to take Lennon home.”

“And Tessa?”

“She’s staying right where she is.”

It requires every ounce of strength I have not to react to the teasing look on Colby’s face, but I manage to pull it off. I walk them both to the elevator and promise Lennon I’ll have Tessa call her in the morning while Colby calls his driver to tell him they’re on their way down. Then, when they’re finally gone, I quietly make my way into my bedroom.

Tessa is dressed in my clothes, making her look even smaller than she normally does. Her hair is covering her face as she snuggles into the pillow. I gently brush it out of the way and cover her with a blanket. Once I’ve convinced myself she’s comfortable, I glance at her one last time

and turn off the light.

“Goodnight, beautiful.”