My brows furrow. “You saw me a few hours ago.”

She turns to look at me and smirks. “I was talking to the car.”

“You’re a bitch,” I snicker.

“I know,” she says with pride. “It’s the main reason you love me.”

THE BLEACHERS ARE FILLED with students excited to attend the first football game of the year. Most of them are dressed in the school’s colors. Even Lennon has eye black on her face, though of course she pulls it

off better than anyone else here. It’s the blonde, curly hair and petite figure that makes her gorgeous, but it’s her personality that makes people actually fear her. She’s a total spitfire, which is why we get along so well.

I watch Kellan and Oakley run across the field like they own it while Tanner throws the ball in a perfect spiral. Kellan catches it and takes off, dodging every player trying to take him down. He stops short, and the guy charging toward him misses and falls to the ground, only for Kellan to jump over him. Oakley’s shoulders bounce as he laughs and the touchdown is scored.

Glancing over at Asher, he seems pleased, but still has that stone-cold look plastered across his face. It’s like he has no feelings. No pride. No joy. He just stays completely stoic, even as the buzzer sounds and Haven Grace is announced the winner.

“At least blink while you stare. Jeez, Tess.”

I roll my eyes and turn my attention to Lennon. “I can’t seem to figure him out.”

She smiles sadly. “I don’t think you’re meant to. He’s not just the guy from the bar anymore. He’s our teacher. It changes the dynamic between you two.”

A part of me knows she’s right. I should stay away. Involving myself with him would lead to trouble. It’s completely against the rules, and yet, I’ve always been the rebel. The more forbidden he is, the more I crave him. I’m sure there will be consequences, but I can’t seem to care. I’m not going to stop until I get what I want.

ALCOHOL IS FLOWING THROUGHOUT the house as everyone celebrates the football team’s win. Kellan’s place is big enough to fit the entire school, but thankfully, not everyone was invited. At least that boy has sense enough not to allow the freshmen in. For one, they’re fourteen and have no business being at parties like this, and second, they’re always so overbearing and desperate.

“Tess, come take a shot with me,” Charleigh calls, but my attention is currently being pulled elsewhere.

Scrolling through the Asher Hawthorne hashtag, I happened to come across a video of some girl talking about the party currently going on at Asher’s penthouse. A brilliant idea comes to mind and I stand up, pocketing my phone before going to find Kellan. As expected, he’s surrounded by girls, with one on each arm. They all have to be juniors. Lord knows he’s already worked his way through the whole senior class over the last couple years.

“Hey, where’s your football roster?”

His brows furrow. “In my room. Why?”

I shoot him a sweet, innocent smile. “No reason. Thank you!”

As soon as I get into Kellan’s bedroom, I thank my lucky stars he’s not as messy as Easton. That boy’s room always looked like a bomb went off in it. While I doubt Kellan cleans, the neatness of it makes it easy for me to spot what I need sitting right on the desk. I grin triumphantly when I open it up and spot Asher’s address right at the top. Bingo.

I take a picture of it with my phone and then put it back in its place before heading downstairs to find Lennon. She’s laughing at something Oakley said when I come over and whisper in her ear.

“Come on. We’re leaving.”

“What?” she asks, confused. “Where are we going?”

I bite my lip as I think of how tonight could go. “Stopping at my place to change, then downtown. Let’s just say I’m on a mission, and I’m not willing to lose.”



I drive across town, wanting nothing more than to get home and crawl into bed. Between dealing with bratty teenagers the whole week and the pressure of making sure we won tonight, I’m exhausted. I never thought I would be so anxious over a fucking high school football game. If they lost, people would have started to question my abilities. This win wasn’t just preferred—it was necessary.

Parking my car, I get out and walk over to the elevator. After I put in the code for the penthouse, it starts to bring me to the top. However, the higher up I get, the louder the music becomes. What the fuck?

The doors open, and I’m instantly faced with nearly fifty people in my living room. They’re all drinking out of fancy glasses, while the music sounds like we’re in a club. There’s only one person who could be responsible for this, and I’m going to kill him.

I push through the crowd of people, ignoring those who try to get my attention until I find Colby leaning against the kitchen island. As if he can feel me glaring at him, his eyes meet mine and he grins.

“It’s about damn time you got here!” he shouts happily.