“Tessa!” Lennon whisper-shouts. “What the fuck?”

“I know.”

“He’s the guy from the club!”

“I know.”

“You’ve had sex with our English teacher!”

I roll my eyes, but I can’t hide my amused grin. “I know. I realized who he was as soon as I walked in.”

She runs her fingers through her hair as she lets it all sink in. “Do you think he remembered you?”

“Trust me, there’s no way he didn’t.”

I lean against the wall next to her and let my head tip back. What am I going to do? I can’t just continue to go to class every day, pretending I don’t know how good his hands feel against my skin and the magical things he can do with his tongue. Just today alone I spaced out three different times as I replayed that night inside my head. But the look he had when he realized I’m a high school student wasn’t only surprise—it was pure, unadulterated anger.

“So, are you going to try talking to him?” Lennon questions.

I exhale heavily and then shake my head. “I don’t know. If I do, it certainly won’t be right now. I obviously need to say something; I’m just not sure what.”


UGH LUNCH when Oakley and Micah finally decide to make their appearance. Them showing up late is completely unsurprising, especially on the first day of school. However, when they learn that their new football coach is their first period teacher, both their cocky smiles drop off their faces.

Oakley is a lot like Kellan, but with morals. He’s your typical jock who only has love for football. Sure, he’s hooked up with his fair share of girls. They practically flock to him, with his hazel eyes and toned body. Plus, he plays on the fact that his eyes change color in the light. However, he’s always been very clear about the fact that his future in sports is his sole focus right now, and that there’s no room for anything, or anyone, else.

Micah is more of the shy, quiet type. He’s been Oakley’s best friend since they were in first grade, which is why he’s just as into the dream of playing in the NFL, but he’s nothing like him personality wise. For example, when I met them both over the summer, it was at a party. Oakley was doing body shots off some girl he didn’t remember the next morning, while Micah was reading a book in the middle of a crowd of people.

“Shit, and we have practice today, too,” Oakley whines. “All right, we say we had a doctor’s appointment.”

“Both of you?” Kellan raises a brow.

Oakley looks over at Micah and grins. “Quick, pretend you’re pregnant.”

The whole table laughs, since it’s such an Oakley thing to say. He’s always been the one to make a joke of things. It’s nearly impossible for anyone to be in a bad mood around him, including myself.

As I’m talking to Tanner, Lennon subtly elbows me to get my attention, nodding her head toward the door. I can feel his eyes on me before I even see him. When I glance over at him, my chest tightens. He’s standing near the entrance and talking to another teacher, but his eyes move to mine every few moments, glaring hard.

A part of me considers marching up to him, demanding to know what his problem is. However, I don’t think the middle of a crowded cafeteria is the place for that kind of conversation. Instead, I just sit here, unable to look away.

“What are you looking at?” Kellan asks, starting to turn around.

Thankfully, the bell rings at the perfect time and breaks both mine and Asher’s concentration. Lennon chuckles and shakes her head as I take a deep breath. It’s only been a few hours, and there’s already been a close call. I’m sure that means I’m fucking doomed.

We all get up and filter out of the cafeteria. I try looking around to see where Asher went, but he’s nowhere to be found. Honestly, it’s probably for the best.

“Who wants to skip third and fourth?” Oakley asks, and each one of us looks at him like he’s lost his mind.

“Oak, you just got here,” Tanner replies, snickering as he shakes his head.

Oakley just shrugs. “The first day is useless anyway.”

I walk over to my locker to get my things, but as soon as I open it, a folded piece of paper falls out. My brows furrow as I bend down to pick it up. After a quick glance to make sure no one is looking over my shoulder, I open it.

Meet me after school.

– A. H.