Thankfully, neither of my parents make another attempt to stop me as I run up the stairs and into my bedroom. The second the door shuts behind me, I lean my back against it and slide down until I’m sitting on the floor. Sobs rip through me, the pain practically unbearable.

I’ve never had to know what life is like without my other half—never had to know how much it sucks to not have her close by all the time. And now, she’s moving to the other side of the country. A place where there is a three-hour time difference and thousands of miles between us.

I get up and crawl into my bed, letting the tears soak my pillow. It’s weak, and pathetic, and everything I never wanted to feel like, but I can’t help it. Everything is different now.

“How am I supposed to get through this without her?” I cry to no one but myself.

“By being the badass you know you are.”

Lennon’s voice catches me off guard, and I turn around to find her standing by my door. Her blonde hair is tied up in a bun, and the sweats she’s wearing show she plans on staying with me through every second of this massive pity party.

“What are you doing here?”

She shrugs, dropping her purse and coming to lay beside me. “Your sister may have told me you’d need someone today.”

I groan. “Fucking Delaney.”

Lennon and I stay in my bed for what feels like hours, with neither one of us saying anything. I’m too lost in my thoughts, and she’s smart enough to know that nothing she says right now can make me feel any better. But that’s the thing about her—she stays anyway and doesn’t complain once.

THE TASTE OF MINT chocolate chip ice cream coats my tongue as I laugh at Lennon’s impression of Principal Hyland. Okay, so we may be a little drunk, which is probably the reason she stumbles and falls to the ground. She lays on the floor, giggling, while staring up at the ceiling.

“This rug is like heaven,” she slurs.

“If that rug is heaven, you’ve never had good sex.”

I can practically hear her eyes roll. “Accurate, because I’ve never had sex at all. Oh, but how was last night? You disappeared pretty quickly.”

Thoughts of Asher fill my mind, and I find comfort in the distraction. The way he ran his hands over my skin, as if he was worshiping my body…even remembering it sends chills down my spine. It was hands down the most mind-blowing sex of my life.

“Do you know what the best part about being with an older guy is?” I question dreamily.

“No, but I’m sure you’re about to tell me.”

“They’re experienced. They know exactly what to do and how to do it in a way that makes you scream.”

A small laugh bubbles out of her. “So, I’m guessing it went well then.”

“Extremely well, but the one thing I can’t seem to get out of my head is his face when he found out I don’t know who he is. It was like I should have, and the fact that I didn’t was a total shock to him.”

Getting to know Asher wasn’t on my agenda for last night. It was purely sexual—a release for both of us and nothing more. But today, I’m curious.

“You don’t think he’s famous, do you?”

I shake my head. “Why would a famous person who looks like that be in a club without a bodyguard? That’s just idiotic.”

Lennon gets up and sits on my bed next to me. “You know how people get, though. There are like a million books and movies about them ditching their security to have a little unmonitored fun.”

“Len, this is real life, not a movie.”

She shrugs. “Well, the idea had to come from somewhere.” Reaching over to my nightstand, she grabs my laptop and places it in front of me. “You remember his name, don’t you?”

I nod, almost laughing at the question but stopping myself. “It’s literally burned into my brain.”

“Then it’s time to meet Google.”

It takes a minute of me thinking it over, not sure if I want to know the truth behind the guy who rocked my entire world last night. Yet, if I don’t find out now, I know it’s going to eat me alive, and eventually I’ll do it anyway. It’s better to skip the hard part and give in now.

I open my computer and put in the password. Once it’s powered to life, I pull up the search engine.