“Just tell me this, are they dating?”

She shrugs. “You’ll have to ask her.”

My jaw ticks, and to avoid the risk of flipping out on the wrong people, I mutter a few obscenities before storming away. Fucking Carter.

TRAINING IS SOMETHING I always used to dread, until the need for an outlet for my rage became greater than my conscience. Now, it’s a welcomed part of my day. Sometimes I even come here when I’m not ordered to, just to give myself something to focus on. Every minute my mind is distracted by what punch I’m throwing or the target I’m hitting is a minute it’s not overanalyzing every single move Delaney makes.

“Great work,” Jackson tells me

. “Go take five and hydrate.”

I give him a fist bump before heading over to the bench where Grayson is sitting, messing around on his phone. As soon as I sit down, he glances over at me and his brows furrow.

“What’s got you so fired up today?”

Chugging half a bottle of water, I wait until I’m done to answer him. “A certain douchebag.”

He chuckles. “Ah, so you’ve become acquainted with Carter’s social media.”

“Yeah, it’s real fucking funny, asshole,” I growl. “You’ve got to give me something, because nothing is worse than what’s going through my mind.”

The unsure look on his face makes me wonder if he’s going to tell me anything at all, but after a moment, he clicks off his phone and puts it next to him.

“All right, what do you want to know?”

I feel like a fucking teenage girl as I get excited at the idea of finally getting some answers. “What’s going on between them?”

“That I don’t know.”

“Are they dating?”

He shakes his head and relief rushes through me. “Not yet, at least. Though I’m pretty sure that’s all Delaney’s doing.”

It’s been over a month since our split, and the fact that she hasn’t moved on yet tells me she wasn’t lying when she said she loved me. I don’t know whether that makes me feel better or worse.

“Why? She just doesn’t like him like that?”

Grayson shrugs. “I don’t know.”

I throw my head back and groan. “What the hell do you know?”

“Honestly? Not a whole lot. They joke around at school and hang out on the weekends. The only thing I’m sure about is Carter isn’t playing around. He hasn’t so much as looked at another girl since having Delaney’s attention.”

Fucking great. It’s only a matter of time before that shithead wins her over and I’m left to deal with the consequences of seeing them together—all while still doing what I can to protect her. The problem is I can’t protect her from Carter Trayland. I just hope I don’t have to.

I NAVIGATE THE CROWDED hallways, wondering why the fuck everyone is gathered around the front of the school. It’s the end of the day, so it’s not unusual for people to be itching to get out of here, but normally they’re all headed out the back doors. It isn’t until I hear someone whisper something about Haven Grace Prep that I actually pay attention.

As soon as I push open the doors to step outside, the music being played by the band across the street gets louder. I push my way through all the students trying to get a glance at what’s going on. Thankfully, no one tries to stop me. Once I get to the front, my friends turn to me with fear in their eyes.

“Knox, you really shouldn’t see this.” Zayn tells me, blocking my view.

I shove him out of the way and the sight in front of me stops me dead in my tracks. There’s a stage set up in front of the school, with Sound the Sirens jamming out on it, but that’s not what gets me. It’s Carter standing on the stage with them as they play a perfectly in tune love song. Delaney stands front and center, watching him with a disbelieving smile on her face. When the music ends, Carter takes the microphone from Harland Storm, their lead singer, and in front of everyone, he focuses on Laney.

“Delaney Callahan, will you go to prom with me?”

She giggles, nodding her head yes and setting my whole world ablaze in a single moment.

“Knox.” Z tries again by pulling at my arm.