Shit, they fucking know. “Listen, I can explain. It’s not my—”

“Save it,” he snaps. “I don’t know what the fuck happened between you two, but she didn’t deserve that.”

“She? Wait, what the hell are you talking about?”

“You know what!” Easton shoves me. “How many people did you send that picture to? Was it just our entire school or did you include HGP in the blast, too?”

Picture? What picture? As soon as I realize what they’re talking about, everything goes completely still. The calm before the storm. The only picture I have of Delaney that’s anything less than completely innocent is the one I took of my dick in her mouth—the one I was supposed to show Stone for the bet but kept to myself and paid him instead.

“You’re messing with me,” I say. Zayn takes out his phone and hands it to me. There it is in all its fucking glory. “I didn’t send this.”

“Really?” Gage questions sarcastically. “That’s what you’re going with?”

I toss the phone back to Z. “I swear, I didn’t fucking send it! You really think I would do that shit? Hell, I paid Stone fifty bucks so that I didn’t have to show it to him. Why the fuck would I send it around?”

They all exchange looks before Zayn sighs. “Well, if you didn’t, who did?”

It only takes me a second to realize who could be responsible—the only person who has had access to my phone recently. Immediately, I storm through the doors of the school and toward her locker.

“Hailey!” I roar.

She turns to me with an arrogant grin on her face. “Oh, hey, babe. What’s up?”

“What the hell did you do?”

“What do you mean?”

I slam my fists against the metal locker, making her flinch and caging her in. “Don’t play fucking coy with me. It’s not cute. I’m talking about the picture of Delaney.”

“Oh, that.” She smirks. “Looks like she’s not such a Virgin Mary after all.”

Everything in me wants to deck her, and if she wasn’t a girl, I wouldn’t hesitate. Unfortunately, I can’t. Not personally, anyway. Thankfully, though, I know of a psychotic and protective Callahan who will be more than happy to give this bitch what she deserves.

“You are a disturbed little cunt, and I can’t fucking wait until you get what’s coming.”

With that, I force myself to walk away and head straight for the front doors.

“Where are you going?” Zayn calls out, not bothering to stop me.

“To try and fix this shit.”



All weekend, I can’t seem to get Knox out of my head—not that that’s anything unusual. The way he acted at the party Friday night proved that things between us are far from over. Now, if only I could understand why he’s so insistent on pushing me away. If I can figure that out, maybe there’s hope for us after all.

AFTER GETTING READY IN the morning, I jump in my car and head to school. It took a lot of convincing, but I finally got Tess and Savannah to realize I don’t need to be tended to every second of the day. Besides, seven in the morning is way too early to deal with both of them treating me like their doll.

My phone dings inside my purse, but I brush it off. I’ll check it later. Right now, I just want to enjoy the small amount of time I have to myself. I listen to music, check my makeup, and try to get a handle on my mood before I end up breaking down again.

Maybe it’s pathetic that it’s been over two weeks and I’m still torn up about this, but I can’t help it. I thought what he and I had was real. For the first time in my life, I had someone to call mine, and I genuinely fell in love with him for everything he is—despite the fact that he thinks he’s some kind of scary monster. He was, and still is, my favorite person.

I pull into the parking lot and take a deep breath, grabbing my books from the passenger seat. There are barely any free spaces left, which means I’m about to be running late, so I don’t have time to mess around. I get out of my car and head inside.

The second I walk through the doors, everyone’s eyes are on me. My brows furrow at the sudden silence. The only sounds are shared whispers.

Suddenly, a guy I’ve never met before comes up to me and whistles, checking me out and glancing between me and his phone.