My shoulders sag. “The same person I’ve always been.”

“No,” she says firmly. “No, I don’t believe that. The Knox that spent a whole day taking care of me when I was sick cannot be the same one who kills people.”

The day she’s referring to is a fond memory, one I’ve held onto and flashed back to a lot since I ended the only real relationship I’ve ever had. She came down with a stomach bug, and despite the fact that I can’t handle puke, I let her lay with her head in my lap for hours while I rubbed a cool washcloth against her face. But, those days are gone now—especially now.

“You make it sound like I did it intentionally. This wasn’t a choice. I was forced to fight. When I didn’t…” My voice fades out, knowing I really shouldn’t tell her this.

“When you didn’t what?”

I shake my head. “Nothing.”

“No!” She steps closer. “No more fucking secrets.”

Taking a deep breath, it’s clear there isn’t anything she’ll let me leave out. “When I didn’t—when I tried to stop—he threatened to hurt you.”

The pain on her face is evident as she realizes the man she considered her favorite uncle is actual

ly a total piece of shit. Although, I know nothing can compare to how much it hurts to learn he was willing to hurt his own flesh and blood.

“Laney, I swear. I never meant to hurt anyone.”

She gives me a look that puts me right in my place. “Not even Mr. Montgomery?”

I know what she’s trying to do. She wants me to apologize for what happened to him, but I can’t. I won’t.

“I didn’t touch him, but what do you think Grayson should have done? He was going to kill her! His actions had already destroyed Grayson’s family and got his dad murdered. He did what he needed to protect Savannah. Your friend, remember?”

“And that justifies killing people?” she sobs.

I shake my head. “It didn’t, not at first, anyway. Not until you came barreling into my life like a fucking freight train, giving me no choice in the matter. After that, it made perfect sense. I swear to God, Delaney, I’m no monster like Cal, but I’d kill a hundred Mr. Montgomerys if that’s what it took to keep you safe. You’ll get no apology from me for that, and I wouldn’t expect one from Grayson either.”

Her eyes widen slightly, but my words at least calm her raging temper. However, when she starts walking toward the door, I panic.

“Where are you going?”

She sighs dejectedly. “I need a minute. I need some space.”

I give her a pleading look. “Can you please just do that here? I’ll leave you alone, I promise. It’s just, if something happens to you, I won’t be able to live with myself.”

Thankfully, and to my utmost relief, she nods and goes upstairs instead of outside. Once she’s gone, I go into the kitchen, where Zayn silently hands me a beer. I nod and take a swig.

“Do you hate me?”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, I’ve known you too long to be able to hate you. But Christ, you always manage to get yourself in a world of shit.”



I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone. Everything I thought was real, isn’t. People I thought were good, aren’t. Relationships I thought were solid, are tainted with lies and betrayal. If this is what love is like, I’m not sure I want any part of it.

Going upstairs, I find Grayson standing outside a locked door, his head resting against it as he knocks.

“Savi, please.” No answer. “Sav.” Still nothing. “Savannah Jade, can you please just let me know you’re okay?”

“Would you be?” I snap, and he turns to face me. “If you found out that she killed one of your parents, regardless of the reason, would you be okay?” When he goes to answer, I shake my head. “Just go downstairs, Grayson. I’ve got this.”

He looks pained as he places his hand against the door. “I love you, Savi.”