“Damn, what would it take for me to get some of that?” he questions, biting his lip.

“Excuse me?”

Just when I’m about to ask what the hell he’s talking about, Carter comes out of nowhere. He slams the kid up against a locker and rips the phone from his hand.

“Say one more word to her and I swear, I’ll break your fucking face.”

The device in his hand shatters as he spikes it onto the ground, and my eyes widen. However, before I even have a second to process what happened, Tessa and Savannah come on either side of me, looping their arms with mine and pulling me away.

“Don’t worry,” Sav tells me. “We’re going to take care of this.”

“Take care of what?”

The two of them share a look as they lead us into an empty classroom. When we’re finally alone, Tessa shuts and locks the door. Then, she turns to me.

“You haven’t seen it?”

“Seen what?” I snap at my sister. I’m getting really annoyed with never knowing anything.

She sighs and nods at Savannah, who takes out her phone and hands it to me. The picture on it is clearly of me, but I never knew it existed. I’m on my knees in Knox’s bedroom, with my eyes shut and his dick in my mouth. He didn’t.

It all hits me like a ton of bricks, and my chest tightens to the point where it becomes hard to breathe. There’s only one person who could have taken that picture, meaning there’s only one place it could have come from. But why?

“H-how many people have seen this?”

Tessa looks like she’s ready to lose her shit while Savannah rubs her hand on my back. I know my sister isn’t going to answer me, so I look to my best friend. She gives me a sad smile.

“We think it was sent out to everyone at both schools.”

The room spins and I think I’m about to be sick. “Everyone?” I gasp out.

Tess throws her water bottle across the room. “I swear to God, I’m going to fucking kill him.”

It’s only then I realize hundreds of my peers have seen me, like that. The only thing I can’t wrap my head around is what would motivate him to do this? On Friday, he made it sound like he was trying to protect me, but this is the total opposite. This is an emotional annihilation.

A commotion in the hallway pulls my attention to the door, and it only takes a second before I hear Knox’s voice. My entire body goes completely still, listening to what sounds like an argument between Grayson, Carter, and my ex. Despite Savannah pleading for me to stay in here, I open the door and step into the hallway.

“I didn’t fucking send it!” Knox shouts, Carter up in his face.

“No? So that isn’t your fucking dick? You’re not the one who took the picture? Is that what you’re saying?”

Being the arrogant little shit he is, he smirks. “Jealous, Trayland?”

Carter goes to hit him but Knox jumps back and dodges it. When he does, his eyes meet mine.

“Delaney!” he yells.

Grayson and Carter turn to me in shock, but my attention stays focused on the guy who has caused my heart to break in ways I didn’t even think possible.

“You need to leave.”

He tries to come closer, but Grayson puts his hand out to stop him. “Leave does not mean go over there.”

Knox gives him a nasty look but switches back to me. “You have to believe I didn’t send that. I would never.”

“Don’t give me that shit. You took the picture for some reason. What was it? An insurance plan? A joke between you and your friends?”

“It doesn’t matter.”