“And you took it?”

“From them, yes, but I didn't use it.”

I turn to Zayn, trusting him more than I trust most people. “Do you believe him?”

His shoulders sag. “I'm not sure, but I'm not playing around with it either. He didn't tell me himself. I had to hear it through Alec.”

Wait, what?”Alec? What does Alec have to do with this?”

Zayn looks at Easton, a silent conversation taking place between the two. I spin around to face the father of my child.

“Tell me,” I demand. “Not him. You. What does Alec have to do with this?”

His words come out in an inaudible mumble at first, like he's trying to avoid answering me at all.


He looks anywhere but back at me and takes a deep breath. “He's the one that gave it to me.”

If seeing the drug test wasn't a blow to the chest, hearing that definitely is. “N-no. He didn't.”

The Alec I've known for years. The one who spent the last couple months being by my side as I tried to make sense of all this. The Alec that I trusted. He wouldn't. He couldn't have.

“Ken,” Zayn gets my attention. “He admitted it straight to my face, and offered me some too. Said his friend gets the best shit around here.”

My heart breaks as I realize they're not lying. He did this. He actually did it. I stare at the floor as my mind runs through every conversation I've ever had with Alec. All the things we've talked about. The way he's acted. Things he's done.

“Well, it doesn't matter how he got it,” Knox says to Zayn. “We have to find out if he used it or not.”

“I told you, I didn't!” Easton snaps exasperatedly.

“And how are we supposed to believe you?” Knox growls. “Don't act like it's absurd for us to think you relapsed. Especially with all you've got going on.”

At the mention of the baby, I cradle my stomach, and a particular conversation with Alec comes to mind. My breath hitches, and I shake my head.

“Alec doesn't do drugs,” I murmur.

“Fuck Alec,” Knox says to me. “He can overdose for all I care, and if he's who you're worried about, you can leave.”

“Don't fucking talk to her that way,” Easton snaps.

I spin around to Amelia, finding her with her arms wrapped around herself as she tries to contain her fear for her brother. She looks back at me, and a tear slips out and rolls down my cheek.

“Alec doesn't do drugs.”

Thankfully, she gets what I mean. We both turn to Zayn, and I watch as everything starts to fall into place for him. When it hits him, he closes his eyes and his fist clenches.

“I'm going to kill that piece of shit,” he growls.

Knox watches Zayn intently. “I'll help if you tell me what the fuck is going on.”

Z runs his hands over his face and then looks at Knox and Easton. “He doesn't do coke. Which means the only reason he had it on him that day—”

“Was to give it to Easton,” Knox finishes for him.

I turn to Easton, feeling myself start to crumble. “I'm so sorry. We were talking one night, and I mentioned one thing I was afraid of was that the responsibility of a baby would make you relapse. It never occurred to me that he would do something like this, I swear.”

He shakes his head and takes a step toward me, putting his hands on my cheeks. “This is not your fault. Do you hear me? None of this is your fault.”