As I get out of the car, Easton grabs Kayn's car seat from the back. He's sound asleep inside of it, but that's to be expected with a newborn. As E says all the time, all he does is eat, poop, and sleep. Kind of like his dad.

“Do you want me to let him sleep in here, or should I attempt to put him in his crib?” he asks as we walk up the steps.

I purse my lips. “Probably just leave him there. If you try to take him out, he's going to wake up and we've seen what he's like when he's overtired.”

“Good point,” he chuckles.

The door opens and we step inside, but the sight in front of me stops me in my tracks. Amelia smiles nervously at me as the two people next to her turn to face me.

“Mom?” I ask, confused and yet trying to mask my terror at them being here. “Dad? What are you guys doing here?”

It's not that I don't want them here. I love my parents. It's just that my mom has a tendency to be overbearing at times, and my dad, while he means well, lacks a backbone. Ultimately, it's just more than I wanted to deal with this soon. I'm still getting in the swing of things.

My mom gets up from the couch and comes toward us. “You had a baby, Kennedy. Did you think I wasn't going to come meet my grandson as soon as I could?” She bends down to peek in the car seat. “Oh my word, he's even cuter in person!”

Kayn starts to stir and Easton puts the car seat down and lifts him out before handing him to my mom. She coos and holds him with a practiced skill of a mother who has done this multiple times.

“I'm going to let you spend time with your parents,” Easton tells me softly. “I'll be in the other room if you need me.”

My dad gives him a look as he leaves the room, but then he's quickly distracted by my mom bringing the baby over to him. I lean against the wall and sigh as I watch them with my son.

This is going to be a long visit.

FORTY EIGHT HOURS. THAT'S all the time it takes for my mom to overstep. We're sitting at lunch and enjoying a perfectly good meal, when she throws something out there that damn near causes me to choke on my food.

“W-what?” I ask once I'm able to breathe again.

“I want you to move home,” she repeats.

Not even considering it, I shake my head. “No. That's not happening. Kayn's life is here.”

She raises the baby up and lays him against her chest. “I understand that, but how are you going to handle this all alone?”

“I'm not alone, Mom. I have Easton.”

“Yes, but Easton is still a college student,” she explains. “And so are you. Are you planning on dropping out?”


“Is Easton dropping out to be a stay at home dad?”

“Not that I know of.”

She gives me a knowing look. “Which one of you is going to get a job so you can afford diapers and formula? That generous gift card from your friend is only going to last so long, Kennedy.”

“I-I don't know,” I murmur, hating that I can't seem to put her in her place on this one.

“There's a lot you don't know, but you're a mother now, sweetie. You don't have the ability to just not know anymore.”

As her words sink in, I drop my fork on my plate. No matter how delicious the food is, I don't have an appetite anymore. Everything she's saying is valid, but I couldn't actually leave Easton. To take Kayn away from him would be cruel. He's already become such an amazing dad.

“Just think about transferring to a university near us,” she continues. “We could help take care of Kayn while you finish your degree and then you can get a good job to support the two of you.”

“And what about Easton?” My voice comes out practically like a whisper, as if I can't believe I'm actually considering this.

She presses her lips together and smiles sympathetically at me. “If he loves you, he will understand. You two can work something out, I'm sure.”

As Kayn starts to cry, my mom's attention is taken off me and put onto him. It's something I'm grateful for, because this conversation is not one I can handle right now. I'd be lying if I said she's completely out of her mind. She asked questions I don't have answers to and makes points that I never thought of before.