I try to stay completely still, to make him think he heard something, but then he cocks the gun.

“Show yourself or I'll put a bullet in her brain!”

It’s more a promise than a threat, so I do the only thing I can do: I raise my hands in the air and turn the corner into the room. The sight of Kennedy tied to a chair, with blood still leaking from a cut on her lip, threatens to break me on the spot. She tries to maintain her composure, not wanting to piss Alec off even more, but I can see the desperation in her eyes.

Alec grunts as he looks at me. “Of course it's you. How fucking fitting.”

“Put the gun down, Alec,” I demand quietly.

He shakes his head. “This is all because of you!” Lifting the gun, he points it at me. “You're the fucking problem here.”

I nod. “Okay. Then take me. You can do whatever you want to me. I'm no one. A deadbeat with a former drug problem. No one will miss me.”

A smirk makes its way on his face. “You're damn right they wouldn't. They'd be better off.”

“They would,” I agree. “But killing her, that's double homicide. You'd end up spending the rest of your life in prison, and you still wouldn't get the girl. Just take me and let her go.”

Keeping the gun still on me, which is exactly where I want it, he runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Don't you get it? I can never let her go. That's the issue here. My heart won't ever let her go.”

He's a deranged psychopath, but this is the one thing he's said that I can understand. Kennedy has this thing about her. It draws you in and keeps your attention on her. And if I hadn't taken her for granted when I had her, I would've realized how lucky I was. But I sure as hell do now, and there isn't a single part of me that plans on letting this piece of shit take her from me.

“I get that,” I tell him. “She's perfect.”

Kennedy starts to cry as she keeps her head bowed, but she's smart enough to not say anything. Any words that could come out of her mouth right now would only enrage Alec more.

“She is, and you stole her from me!” he shouts.

I keep my hands held in front of me. “I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I didn't mean to stand in the way, I promise.”

A dark laugh starts to echo out of him as he looks at Kennedy. “You chose this bitch over me? Look at him, cowering to me like a goddamn pussy.”

When she won't look at me, keeping her eyes closed instead, it pisses him off.

“I said look at him!” he roars.

She shakes in fear at his tone and finally looks at me. The helplessness in her gaze matches the one in mine. I won't lie, we're both scared. But while she's afraid for me, my only thought is her and the baby.

I nod slowly, trying to silently tell her that it will be okay, but after not listening to him the first time, he now has his gun pointed at her.

In a move that defines idiotically heroic, I grab a trophy from the dresser. It does exactly what I intend it to and pulls Alec's attention off of Kennedy and onto me, only when he points the gun, he fires it. Kennedy screams but the bullet misses, going into the wooden dresser instead, and Alec is momentarily caught off guard. He looks down at the gun as I take the base of the trophy and slam it into his head. He slumps to the ground with the gun falling from his hand, out cold.

Grabbing the blade from the desk, I make quick work of cutting the ropes that hold Kennedy to the chair. She sobs hysterically as I lift her up and wrap my arms around her.

“Are you okay?” I ask. “Can you walk?”

She nods. “I'm okay, I think.”

“Okay, let's get the fuck out of here.”

I push her ahead of me as we both start to run out, but as I watch her bolt down the steps and out the door, I stop. The sound of Alec groaning grabs my attention, letting me know he's waking up, and still alive.

Instead of following Kennedy out like I should, I turn around and go back into the room without a morsel of the fear I had before.

She's safe.