“Try your name and the baby's due date,” she says. “The due date is her phone password, but you haven't named the baby yet.”

I take a deep breath and give it a shot.


As the dashboard opens, I sigh in relief. Amelia comes to sit next to me as I open up the Find My Phone app. At least with it ringing when I called, that means it's still on.

It takes a second for the location to load, but when it does, I don't recognize the address.

“Do you know where that is?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “She can't be there. She wouldn't.”

What?”Mila, where is this place?”

Dread flows through me as I see the look on her face. “It's Alec's house.”

I throw the computer off my lap and go to rush out the door when Zayn stops me. “Do you know for sure she didn't go there on her own? Because if she did, you can't go in there all chivalrous and heroic. It's breaking and entering.”

Amelia puts a hand on my arm. “I saw her today. She was thinking about you, not Alec. She wouldn't go there on her own free will.”

That's enough for both Zayn and me as all three of us book it down the stairs and out the front door.

I just hope we're not too late.

PULLING UP TO THEhouse, the whole street is covered in blue and red lights. Cops and the SWAT team flood the area, and my brows furrow.

“The cops are here?” I ask, feeling my entire world start to crumble.

Zayn sighs. “I called them before we left.”

It's a relief, but it still manages to piss me off, because they're still standing outside and Kennedy is nowhere to be seen. “What the fuck did you do that for?”

“Because the Donovans have a horrible tendency to be idiotically heroic,” he says bluntly.

And okay, maybe he's not wrong. Amelia got stabbed trying to save him, and he's right. If the cops weren't here, I'd be rushing right inside that house without a second thought. But the idea that I can't go in and find my girl irks me to no extent.

We get out of the car and try to get up to the house, but an officer stops us at where it's taped off.

“You guys can't go in there,” he tells us. “This is an active crime scene.”

I'm ready to deck the guy and run past him, but thankfully, Zayn stops me. “I know. I'm the one that called it in.”

“Where's Kennedy?” I ask urgently. “The girl who was in there. Where is she?”

His shoulders sag. “She's still in there.”

“What?” I shout.

“A hostage situation is a touchy one,” he explains. “We can't just run in there or someone could get hurt. His roommates confirmed he owns a gun, so we need to do this by the book. But we have our most skilled negotiators working on it.”

His words are meant to soothe me, but they do the opposite.

She's in there.

With Alec.

And Alec has a gun.