Our senior yearof high school is supposed to prepare us for college. We're taught responsibility and being accountable for our own actions. For our own grades. But one thing that nothing can prepare you for is finals. And more specifically, finals while super pregnant.

I stare at the words on the page, but it might as well be complete gibberish. Nothing I read is sticking anymore. I read my own handwriting, and by the time I'm done, I cannot remember what the hell I just read and need to read it again. It's a vicious cycle that never ends.

Sleep calls to me like a siren. My eyes droop closed, and before I can stop it, I'm done for. I fall asleep with my face smushed into the page, not even caring if I wake up with pen on my face.

TYE WALKS INTO THE room, sporting an annoyed glare that could put anyone in their place. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one in a grumpy mood leading up to finals week, but Tye is frightening on her best day. When she's in a bad mood, take fucking cover.

“You can't just walk away from me,” Carter says as he follows her out of their bedroom.

“Really?” she asks sarcastically. “Because I just did.”

He scoffs. “You're being ridiculous.”

“No. Ridiculous is waking up alone for the third time this week because you fell asleep next door...again!”

“I told you,” he says, throwing his head back. “We were drinking and playing video games and we lost track of time. I didn't even realize I fell asleep until this morning.”

She puts a hand on her hip. “And how does Paige feel about your codependency issues?”

“She's known Jace and me since we were kids, and we don't have codependency issues.”

“Whatever.” She gives him a dirty look. “Why don't you just go live there? It would be easier than having to walk back here every morning to shower and get dressed.”

He rolls his eyes. “I'm not living with Jace.”

“No,” she says decidedly. “You are. Get out.”


“You heard me. Take what's yours and get the fuck out!”

He tilts his head, presses his lips together,and then walks straight up to Tye, throws her over his shoulders, and starts walking toward the door. Tye kicks her feet and punches at his back, but he doesn't even flinch.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing, Trayland?” she shouts.

“Exactly what you told me to,” he answers. “Taking what's mine and getting the fuck out.”

I can't help but chuckle as that only seems to piss her off more. She maneuvers herself around and then sinks her teeth into his back. Carter hisses in pain and lands a hard smack to her ass. The action makes her arch her back enough so he's holding her straight up. He lets her slide down his body and then pins her to the wall. A hand comes to cover her throat, and in the same second, his mouth is on hers.

Making every effort to keep studying, I try to ignore the intense make-out session happening right across the room. But the second a pornographic moan leaves Tye's mouth, that's the end of it. I gather up my things as quickly as possible and almost run to my bedroom—gagging at the way Carter's dirty talk echoes through the house and groaning at the way my body craves someone to do that to me.

It's been way too fucking long.

I WALK OUT OFmy last final, feeling like the weight of the world was just taken off my shoulders. Easton leans against the wall as I turn the corner, and when he sees me, he smiles.

“How'd it go?” he asks.

“Ugh, let's just say I'm glad it's over.”

Chuckling, he drapes an arm around my shoulder. “You know what the end of finals means, right?”

My brows furrow. “I get to sleep at night?”

“Damn, Ken,” he says, releasing me. “Pregnancy's changed you.”

“You can thank yourself for that, Mr. I-didn't-feel-it-break.”

He exhales and turns around to face me while walking backward. “Okay, fine. I'll take the blame for that, but only if you come to the End of Finals party tonight at my place.”