Haveyou ever met someone that you could just stare at all day? For me, that's Kennedy. I stare down at my phone with an involuntary smile on my face as I look over the picture Amelia sent me. The phrase pregnancy glow is tossed around but I never thought it was real. As I sit here looking at this picture of Kennedy, I see it.

She's radiant.

She's beautiful.

When Amelia said that her and Tye wanted to throw Kennedy a last minute surprise baby shower after everything that went down yesterday, I thought they were fucking nuts. I told her that there was no way they would be able to pull something like that off. I should've known better than to underestimate my little sister.

The door opens and Zayn walks in with Knox in tow. Behind them are two ugly mugs I haven't seen in months, Gage and Stone. The five of us were a crew in high school, ruling the place with an iron fist—normally one with some kind of bottle clenched in it. But then Knox moved across the country with Delaney and these two fuckers went off to college. Hell, even I did before I ended up coming back.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask with a grin on my face.

“You know, just being the last to find out our best friend is having a kid,” Stone grumbles.

I chuckle and shake my head, getting up to give them each a bro-hug.

“Don't listen to him,” Gage tells me. “His girlfriend has just been getting on his case about getting engaged or having a kid, and he's blaming you three.”

Stone throws his hands in the air. “Well if she didn't hear about all of this news when I did, which was all at once, by the way, I wouldn't have a damn issue!”

Knox, who disappeared into the kitchen when they got here, comes out with beers for all of us. He shoves one into Stone's stomach a little harder than necessary.

“Drink this and pull the thong out of your ass,” he tells him. “Commitment isn't the worst thing in the world.”

Gage scoffs. “Says the guy who was practically allergic to it in high school.”

He has a point. Before Delaney came along, we were sure he would die single. Probably with his dick buried inside some chick, but single all the same. But from the second she barged into his life, he no longer had eyes for anyone else. Not even when we went to the strip club for Stone's eighteenth birthday. And that was long before they so much as kissed. Tits were practically in his face, and he was staring down at his phone, texting Delaney.

“What's that saying?” Knox asks. “All it takes is finding the right person?”

Stone laughs and damn near spits out his beer. “Fuck me, man. He's turned into Nicholas Sparks.”

Knox glares at Zayn. “Remind me why we needed to invite them?”

“Easton's bro-shower!” he exclaims, and I'm almost positive he's high as a kite.

“What the fuck is a bro-shower?” I ask.

Zayn chuckles. “Well, this narcissistic son-of-a-bitch was annoyed that he wasn't invited to Kennedy's baby shower.”

“Still bullshit,” Knox grumbles.

Z waves him off. “So we decided to throw you a bro-shower, with beer!”

“Pretty sure that's not a thing,” I murmur.

Gage watches Zayn with pure amusement. “It's not, but can I please have some of whatever you smoked?”

Knox throws himself onto the couch. “He makes it sound like this was all my idea. He's the one who wanted to throw you a party, but a I'm sorry we thought you were on drugs party is definitely not a thing.”

“Okay, fine,” I cave. “A bro-shower it is. But if you guys expect me to play pin the diaper on the baby, we're going to have some issues. Especially cause I'm pretty sure Zayn couldn't do that right now even without a blindfold.”

Smirking, Knox shakes his head. “We've got better ideas.”

THE NEXT COUPLE HOURSare spent chugging beer out of baby bottles and racing to see who can change a diaper on a baby doll the fastest. The loser becomes beer bitch for the next round, needing to go into the kitchen to get us more beer. It's all shit that I never saw myself doing, and yet I'm having the time of my life doing it. It's the Knox version of a baby shower.

In between games that make me question our sanity, we sit around and bullshit—reliving memories from high school and before. The four of them share a couple blunts, but I sit out. While marijuana wasn't the drug I had an issue with, it's still a drug, and I don't want Kennedy to get the wrong idea.

“So,” Knox says, with eyes glazed over. “Are you prepared for birth? Because I heard women poop on the table.”