Amelia chuckles. “Almost. I just need you to come with us.”

The two of them help me out of the car and start leading me somewhere unbeknownst to me. One of them walks in front while the other holds my hips from behind.

“If you walk me into something, I swear to God, I'll throw hands,” I tell them.

Amelia laughs but Tye isn't as amused. “You're pregnant, and even if you weren't, you couldn't take me.”

“I know,” I agree. “That's why I keep you on my good side. You're my little pit bull.”

They lead me into what feels like an elevator, and Amelia reads off a code. I almost fall as it jerks and we're lifted up. I swear, my balance would be better if I could fucking see. When the elevator dings and I hear the doors open, they lead me out of it.

“Are you ready?” Meelz asks.

I nod and she pulls the blindfold off to reveal a penthouse, decorated in blue baby decor.

“Happy surprise baby shower!” Amelia and Tye yell together.

Tessa and Delaney are standing there, along with Paige and a few of the girls from cheerleading. My eyes tear up as I take it all in. It's perfection, all the way down to the giant blue blocks that spell out DONOVAN.

“Where are we?” I question as I look around, seeing some football memorabilia.

“Tessa and Asher's penthouse,” Amelia answers.

Tye shrugs. “We would have done it at my house, but you live there, and it's a little hard to set up a surprise when you're in the house.”

Tess comes over and gives me a warm smile. “They worked hard for this. You're a lucky girl.”

“Thanks,” I reply. “I really do have the best friends.”

She nods. “Well, I'll get out of your hair. Tye, just text me when you're done. Okay?”

“Sure thing.”

As Tessa and Delaney go to leave, something comes over me that I can't explain. And before I can second guess it, I turn around and call her name.

“Stay,” I tell her, shocking both Tye and Amelia. “It'll be fun.”