It all happens in a split second. As Knox gets closer in Alec's face, Alec tries to push him away. Knox takes a step back and then swings his fist full force into Alec's cheek. The swings don't stop as he takes him to the ground. I've heard stories about Knox's history of fighting, knowing he even trained Zayn, but seeing it in person is something completely different.

“Knox!” I scream.

Alec doesn't stand a chance against him, and after trying to throw a few punches, he resorts to simply covering himself from the attack. Panic fills my chest as I scream Knox's name again, but he's not listening to me. I go to try pulling him off when Amelia's voice echoes through the air.

“Kennedy!” she yells. “The baby!”

Fuck. I stop in my tracks and run my fingers through my hair. Finally, I do the one thing I can think of to get him to stop. I turn to face the only person who has any control over him.

“Delaney,” I beg. “Please.”

She glances at Tessa before stepping closer to the fight. “Knox.”

With a practiced skill, like she's used to this kind of thing, she puts a hand on his arm and his attention immediately goes from Alec to her.

“That's enough.”

He shakes his head. “But he—”

“I know,” she says softly. “Come on.”

She pulls him back and he goes willingly, wiping Alec's blood off his fist and onto his jeans. Meanwhile, Alec stands up and looks at me. I'm pretty sure his nose is broken, and he spits blood out onto the street.

“Do you see what he did to me?” he shouts. “These are the kind of people you want to be around? The kind of people you want your baby around?”

“Oh, fuck no,” Easton says and goes to step toward him, but at least with him, I have more of a say.

I put my hands on Easton's chest and hold him back. “No. Let me handle this.”

Thankfully, he doesn't put up a fight, but it's clear if Alec tries anything, there will be no stopping him. I spin around to face Alec again and shake my head.

“You did this to yourself,” I say simply. “I trusted you! I confided in you, and you used it against him!”

“I was just trying to show you what a lowlife he is!”

“Recovering from an addiction doesn't make him a lowlife, but trying to get him to relapse for your own personal gain sure as hell makes you one.”

A humorless laugh bubbles out of him. “So that's it? You're picking him?”

“I was always going to pick him,” I deadpan.

He looks at me in disgust. “You're making a mistake. I could take care of you. You and the baby.”

I scoff and roll my eyes. “You're not hearing me. I will never want you! Things between you and I are never going to happen! If you thought otherwise, that's on you. After today, I never want to see you again. Now leave, before I let Knox have at you again.”

Pulling his gaze away from me, he looks at Knox, who cracks his knuckles with an evil grin. Alec huffs and shakes his head before climbing in his truck and driving away. Everyone starts to head back inside, but Easton is too busy watching me. He comes over and wipes a tear from my cheek, the only one I'll shed for the loss of someone I thought was a friend.

“You okay?”

I look up at him and nod.

“Come here,” he tells me and pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. “I've got you.”

And I think he just might.

THE CAR DRIVES DOWN the street, but I have no idea where we're going. The blindfold does its job in making sure I can't see a thing. Tye and Amelia have music blasting in my ears so I can't even hear what they're talking about, until the car comes to a stop and they hit pause on the music.

“Are we there yet?” I ask. “Not that I know where there is.”