The action is an innocent one but it makes my blood boil. Even being in the same room as her is too close for my liking. The way he lets the hug go on for just a little too long is enough to make me practically homicidal.

As I raise my brows at Kennedy, she backs away and out of his hold. Alec runs his fingers through his hair and grins at my girl.

“You're going to be such a good mother,” he tells her. “That little boy is going to love the hell out of you.”

“Yeah, well,” I cut in, “anyone would be crazy not to love the hell out of her.”

He keeps his head held high as we make eye contact. “You would think.”

The message is there, written in code and embedded in the silence. He's not giving up, and I'm not either. Everything I thought I could have been imagining with him was just confirmed, and judging by the way Kennedy doesn't seem surprised, she knew about it.

“Fucking Christ,” Kennedy mumbles, and we both look away from each other and over to her. “Are you each going to try pissing on me, too?”

Don't tempt me,I want to say. I'd do whatever it takes to get her the hell away from Alec. There's something about him that just doesn't sit right with me, and it's not just that he's clearly got a thing for the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. It's something darker than that. Something unhinged.

He gives in and sighs. “I'm going to get a drink. Congratulations, again.”

“Thank you.”

As he leaves, Kennedy looks up at me and crosses her arms over her chest. It doesn't look nearly as intimidating as it once did, since it basically looks like she's just resting them on her belly, but no part of me underestimates her. She was dangerous before she was pregnant. With these hormones, she's basically lethal.

“Did you have to do that?” she accuses.

I take the beer that Zayn is handing me and shrug. “He threw down the gauntlet. I just picked it up.”

Z and Carter both smirk at the way Kennedy is glaring at me. If I could read her thoughts, she's probably thinking about ways she could off me and get away with it, while also realizing how much she would miss me at the same time. But thankfully, she's quickly distracted when Amelia pushes through Carter and Zayn to get to us.

“I cannot believe you're giving birth to a miniature Easton,” she says in mock outrage. “Are you trying to destroy the world?”

We all laugh, and I won't deny she has a point. “Let's just hope that he turns out like his mom.”

Kennedy softens and rests a hand on her stomach. “I don't know. I think turning out like his dad wouldn't be the worst thing ever.”

“You didn't grow up with him,” Amelia deadpans. “It absolutely would.”

I, however, can't be bothered with my sister. I'm too busy admiring Kennedy. Her strength and confidence is always something I've found appealing, but the more it shows, the more I fall in love with her for it.

“Can you believe we're going to have a nephew?” Amelia says to Zayn.

Z snickers at her change of heart. “I heard, babe. It's awesome.”

Both Amelia and Kennedy share a glance and then look back at Zayn. He's trying to play it cool, but under the intense stare of those two, he never stood a chance. Finally, Kennedy narrows her eyes at me.

“You told him.”

I put my hands up in defense. “I did no such thing.”

“He really didn't,” Z vouches for me. “Not intentionally, anyway.”

Not intentionally?”Wait, what?”

Taking a sip of his beer, he rolls his eyes. “You referred to the baby as he like four different times.”

“Shit,” I grumble.

I should've known I wasn't going to be able to keep it a secret. I mean, from Amelia, sure. But she was constantly bringing it up so I was always aware of the things I was saying. With my best friend though, I'm so comfortable that I didn't even think about it. I'm just glad he didn't point it out. I would've felt like such a dick.

Amelia backhands Zayn in the chest. “You knew and you didn't tell me?”