“Then no. I'm absolutely not calling you stupid.”

I roll my eyes and switch the phone from one hand to the other. “So, what's up? You need something?”

The sound of his truck starting fills the background noise. “I just wanted to know if you need a ride to Amelia's later. I have some shit to do right now, but I can swing by on my way there and get you.”

Oh, crap. “I, uh...I don't actually. Easton is going to come get me. We're going to lunch before the party.”

It was Easton's idea, and a cute one if I'm honest. He called me a few days ago and asked if he could take me to lunch. Let everyone show up at his house while we're not there yet so no one tries to get us to spill the beans early. And I can't seem to forget the excitement in his voice when I agreed to it.

Alec exhales. “So, you and Easton, huh?”

“Don't do this.”

“I'm just asking a question,” he reasons.

He's not, and I'm not stupid enough to believe that, but I answer anyway. “It's just lunch, Alec. And even if it wasn't, he's the father of my child.”

Cursing under his breath, he groans. “You're right. I'm sorry. I'll see you tonight.”

The tone of his voice tells me he's anything but happy about my plans, but before I can say anything about it, he hangs up. I drop the phone onto my bed and throw my arm over my eyes.

It's not that I haven't given Alec an answer to his proposition because I'm actually considering it. No part of me wants anything more than a friendship with him. But I'm afraid that if I tell him that, he'll vanish from my life. It's selfish and inconsiderate, I know, but I've really enjoyed having him back and I don’t want to lose him.

Why does everything always have to be so damn complicated?

THE RESTAURANT EASTON BRINGSme to is a cute little place just outside of North Haven. It sits against a lake, with a gorgeous view of the forest behind it. It doesn't exactly look new, but being as Easton needed his GPS to find it, I'm guessing it's new for both of us.

As the hostess shows us to our table, one that is right next to the oversized windows, Easton pulls my chair out for me and helps me sit down. The move catches me off guard, since he's never done anything like this before. Our relationship always felt casual until recently, though that could be because my feelings for him always felt unrequited until now.

“This place is nice,” I tell him as I pick up my menu.

He smiles proudly. “Yeah, I asked around and did some research. This was the top choice by a long shot.”

“You put that much effort into this?”

Looking up at me, I've never seen so much sincerity in him. “I put that much effort into you.”

My cheeks heat as I blush and I'm saved from having to respond by the waitress coming over to take our orders. After she leaves to put everything in, we fall into a comfortable conversation that is far away from the dangerous zone we were just in.

“So, are you excited to put everyone out of their misery?” he questions.

My nose scrunches. “Honestly? I've kind of been enjoying seeing them suffer.”

His brows raise. “We could cancel the party and make them wait until the birth.”

“Your sister would stick us both in a torture chamber until we tell her.”

He throws his head back laughing because he knows I'm right. “And my parents think I'm the unstable one.”

“Yeah, well, let's hope that's not true,” I tell him, bracing for impact as I stare back at him. “Alec will be at the party today.”

Dropping his head, he groans. “We were having a good day.”

“I know,” I say sorrowfully. “But I wanted to give you the heads up before we get there.”

“Why does he even have to be there?”

“Because he's my friend.”