I'm sittingon the couch replaying the memory of tonight over and over on a loop. The way Kennedy and I connected felt like a breath of fresh air. It doesn't even bother me that she stopped us when we were only getting started. Getting to feel her skin on mine again, getting to kiss her again, it was everything. And then for the baby to kick for the first time right before she left? I can't even explain it.

Going to Tessa earlier today and telling her I couldn't be friends with her anymore was hard. I dreaded doing it, and the whole time, there was a pit in my stomach. But that pit turns into a rock when I think about the possibility of Kennedy never being mine again. When I weighed the two, the obvious choice was Kennedy, and I was stupid not to see that before.

Thankfully, Tess took it like a champ and told me she was proud of me for starting to make the right choice. It made the blow easier for me because I wasn't hurting her. She just got it, as usual.

The door opens, and Amelia comes in. She looks exhausted, which is understandable if she and Tye handled a whole Friday night shift by themselves. With Kennedy being pregnant, they've been trying to keep her away from the night shift. There is too much chance of injury when around a bunch of drunken men with wandering hands. I offered to be a bodyguard, but both she and Amelia said no.

“You look like you need a nap,” I tell her.

She groans and plops onto the couch beside me. “More like a coma.”

“Ouch. That bad?”

“Yeah.” She covers her mouth as she yawns. “But I'm proud of you. I heard what you did today, giving up your friendship with Tess. I know that had to be hard for you.”

I shrug. “I was being selfish by trying to have them both. Even just being friends with her makes Kennedy uncomfortable, and for obvious reasons.”

“Well, I'm glad you finally acknowledged that.”

“Yeah. If I had figured it out sooner, maybe then I wouldn't have lost her in the first place.”

She waves it off lazily. “You'll get her back.”

I look at her like she knows something I don't. “You think so?”

“You're a Donovan,” she says with a smile. “We don't give up. Just look at Zayn and my awesome scar.”

With a lift of her shirt, I see the fading mark of where Blade, my former drug dealer, stabbed her. She was trying to protect Zayn and instead almost got herself killed. I don't think I've ever been as scared as I was that day in my life.

I reach forward and tug her shirt down for her, not able to stand looking at it. She curls up in a ball and leans against me as she's unable to keep herself awake any longer. I chuckle softly and shake my head.

She does have one thing right—Donovans don't give up.

TWO WEEKS GO BY in an instant, and with finals coming up, everyone has been on edge and studying constantly. Still, I've managed to keep up the pattern of bringing Kennedy something she needs every day. Only now, I don't walk away.

Seeing her living at Tye and Carter's place now, I'm not going to lie—it irks me. She's pregnant with my kid and I'm in love with her. Of course, I wish she moved in with me instead. But I also know why that wasn't going to happen. That wasn't a plan she was even considering, and I'm not in the place to push. Besides, it could be worse. She could be moving home.

I pull up to the house a whole half-hour early and text her to let her know I'm here. Even though I think she's gorgeous, I know she's been really self-conscious about her clothes not fitting her as well anymore. When I showed up one day unannounced, she looked really uncomfortable about it. So for her, I let her know when I pull up.

“You're super early,” she says as she opens the front door.

I rub the back of my neck nervously. “Yeah. I wanted to make sure I didn't let you down this time.”

That makes her smile. “Well, thank you. I appreciate it.”

What she doesn't realize is that it's a whole extra half-hour I get with her.

It's definitely not a hardship.

THE WAITING ROOM OF the doctor's office is probably one of the most anxiety-inducing places I've ever been. I sit next to Kennedy, who reads a magazine, completely calm, while my knee can't stop bouncing. After a couple minutes, she glances over at me and gives me a look.

“Are you okay?”

I nod, but it's clear she doesn't buy it. “I'm just nervous.”

She closes the magazine and puts it on the seat next to her. “About what?”

“After you asked me to come with you, I looked up all the things they look for at this appointment. If anything is wrong with him or her, we'll most likely find that out today.”