“Just promise me something?” he asks.


Now it's his turn to be vulnerable as I can see him almost let his guard down. “Don't cut me out again. It's not something I can handle.”

His words hit a soft spot, and I have no reason not to agree to that. He's been doing everything right lately, and even tonight, he proved that I come first.

“Okay, I won't,” I promise.

He looks visibly relieved. “Thank you.”

The two of us slip out of bed, not wanting to risk taking things too far again—especially since we both have a severe case of sexual frustration. And I know if I stay here any longer, there's no telling what might end up happening. The two of us together has always been explosive, and clearly that hasn't changed.

“I should get going,” I tell him. “I have to pack up my dorm.”

His brows furrow as he turns to me. “Where are you going?”

Fuck, I'm so not used to him not knowing things. “I'm moving to Tye's for the summer. My parents wanted me to come home, but there are so many reasons to stay. So I'm packing and moving before finals so I don't have to stress about it during them.”

“Am I one of those reasons?”


He watches me intently. “You said there are so many reasons to stay. Am I one of them?”

I smile down at the ground and run my hand over my bump. “You should come with me in a couple weeks. I have an ultrasound.”

The corners of his mouth raise as he comes closer. He puts a hand on my belly and stares into my eyes, making me feel like I have every last bit of his attention. Always.

“I wouldn't miss it for the world.”

For a second, I cover his hand with my own as the two of us stay locked in this moment. Honestly, I could never move from here and be completely content. But instead, it gets interrupted by a sudden jab to the inside of my stomach. Both of us gasp and turn our attention to my belly.

“Was that just...” He trails off as it happens again.

I can't help but giggle as I feel our baby kicking inside me. “This is incredible.”

He covers my whole stomach with both his hands, but he focuses on my face. “You are incredible.”