I'm notthe kind of person who gets nervous easily. Public speaking, cheering in front of huge crowds, starting a new job or having to meet new people—none of it bothers me. I possess almost the same amount of confidence as my brother does. But sitting here in front of the computer screen, staring back at my parents on the other side, I might vomit.

How do I even tell them this? That their perfect daughter wound up pregnant in the middle of her college education. They are the kind of people who have always expected me to make the right choices. My mom has talked about my bright future for as long as I can remember. Let me tell you, this was never a part of it. They’ve always said that they’re not paying my tuition for me to mess around with my friends. And now I need to tell them that I fucked up. That I failed them. That I ruined their plans for me.

“What's wrong, sweetheart?” my mom asks. “Is everything okay?”

I swallow down the lump in my throat. “Y-yeah. I mean, nothing is wrong, per se.”

“Then why do you look so sick?”

Every part of me wants to run. To shut the computer and act like my internet stopped working. Put off telling them for another couple weeks. But knowing Ryker as well as I do, it's only a matter of time before he lets the news slip. Honestly, it's a shock that he hasn't already.

“I actually need to tell you something.”

It's okay. They can't do anything. They're a thousand miles away, and if they react badly you can just get off the call.

“Well?” My father asks expectantly. “What is it then?”

I take a deep breath and close my eyes as I let the words flow from my mouth. “I'm pregnant.”

The call goes quiet—so silent that the only indication they're still there is the sound of my sister's pet parakeets chirping in the background. When I force myself to look at the screen again, they're both just staring with their jaws slacked.

“Say something,” I beg. “Please.”

My mom's eyes widen, and she shakes herself out of it. “Are you sure?”

I nod. “The doctor said I'm due August 27th. I had an ultrasound and everything.”

“Wow,” my dad murmurs.

Everything feels awkward as we sit on opposite sides of a computer screen. We're so far apart, and yet I can still choke on the tension. It isn't until they start whispering something I can't make out between themselves that the hormones start to get the better of me.

Tears build until one slips out and slides down my cheek. “Do you guys hate me?”

Both their attention turns back to me and they answer in unison. “No.”

“We could never hate you,” my mom assures me. “This is just a shock. We thought you and Easton broke up.”

“We did,” I confirm. “I got pregnant before we broke up. I just didn't know until after.”

“And what about Easton? Is he doing his part?” my dad inquires, sounding like he'll have his gun ready depending on the answer.

I drop my head. “He's trying. It's just not an easy situation.”

My mom grabs her phone. “I think I need to fly out there. You need your mom right now.”

No. That's actually the last thing I need.”No, Mom. You don't need to do that.”

“I think I do, Kennedy.”

Fuck. “No, really. Finals are coming up and everything. I won't even have the time to spend with you.”

She sighs, but thankfully gives in. “Well, are you at least taking care of yourself? Prenatal vitamins are very important.”

“Yes, Mom,” I say with a small smile. “I take them every day, even when they make me feel sick. And I've been napping in between classes and studying. I promise.”

My mom breaks into an already well known story about how she had preeclampsia with the twins, and how I should be very careful and always go to the doctor for any concerns. I nod patiently and have to hold back a laugh as my dad rolls his eyes when he thinks she isn't looking.

“I saw that,” my mom chastises.