Releasing Amelia, she starts to apologize, but I shake my head to stop her. I focus all of my attention on Tye while grabbing my brother's wrist so he can't storm off.

“I'm going to take him back to my room to fix this mess,” I tell her. “Can you please make sure she doesn't start a whole-ass riot to make sure guys know I'm off limits?”

“Yeah, of course.”

As I'm pulling Ryker away, I call back, “And warn Easton.”

Ry says nothing as we walk all the way back to my dorm room. It's obvious he's mad at me, and I don't blame him. He just found out something huge about his sister from someone he's never even met before. I'd be pissed, too, if I were him.

As we get to my floor, I turn the corner toward my room, and everything in me goes cold. There’s no opportunity to reverse course as Ryker sees what I saw—Easton knocking at my door. He yanks himself from my grasp and books it down the hallway.

“Easton, run!” I scream, but there's nowhere for him to go.

Ryker grabs him by his shirt and throws him against the wall. “You knocked up my fucking sister, you piece of shit?”

“Ry!” I shout, but it's not like he's listening to me.

People come out of their dorms and fill the hallways to watch as my brother lands a punch directly to Easton's jaw. He winces from the pain, but makes no attempt to fight back, even as Ryker punches him again, this time right in the mouth.

“Ryker, fucking stop!” I shriek again, and this time, it works.

With one last blow to the stomach, Ryker lets go, and Easton hunches over in pain. He stares down at him, not even acknowledging the crowd that has formed.

“You're going to marry her,” he orders. “Do you hear me?”

Easton tries to catch his breath again. “I tried. She told me no.”

Ryker turns his attention to me, but I'm not having it. There are more pressing matters to attend to, like the fact that Easton is dripping blood all over the hallway floor.

I grab one of the girls who was checking out my brother earlier and push her into Ryker. “Alicia, meet Ryker. Ry, Alicia here is going to show you the football field.”

“I am?” Alicia asks, confused yet interested.

“You are,” I confirm. “Run along now.”

Ryker is obviously not amused but still lets Alicia lead him down the hallway as he stares at her chest. I know this shit is far from over, but at least with him occupied, I can tend to Easton.

I shove the key into the lock on my door and open it, ushering Easton into my room. With a grip on his shirt, I pull him into the bathroom and sit him down on the closed toilet. He follows my orders to the letter as I wet a paper towel and start cleaning off the cut.

“Ouch,” he hisses when I apply some peroxide, but it's halfhearted.

I roll my eyes. “Don't be such a baby.”

That seems to hit just the right spot because he stares up at me, watching me like I'm the most mesmerizing thing he's ever seen. He carefully lifts his hand and lightly places it on my lower stomach.

“We're having a baby,” he breathes.

The action makes my heart stutter, and I bite my lip to try to contain myself. It's the one thing he's done that seems like he gets it. Like it's not the worst thing to happen to him since his drug addiction. Like he actually feels something for the little alien I’m already head over heels in love with.

But it's too much. I can't bring myself to deal with his hot and cold right now. I just can't. Too much has happened in the last twenty minutes.

“You didn't fight back,” I say, changing the conversation.


I shrug and apply some ointment to another cut on the bottom of his jaw. “With Ryker. You didn't fight back.”

He cocks a brow at me like even questioning him about it is insane. “Ken, he's your brother. What else did you expect?”