My gaze lands on Kennedy, and everything goes still. She's looking anywhere but at me and clearly uncomfortable, but she's here. She came. That's all that matters.

I carry the box over to her and put it down at her feet. She hesitantly glances over at Amelia and then back at me. I give her a hopeful grin as I lift the lid and pull out the adorable eight-week-old golden retriever puppy.

“This is Baylor,” I say to her.

Amelia and Tye both coo at the sight of the little fluff ball, but Kennedy's response once again isn't what I was hoping for.

“Whose dog is that?” she questions.

My brows furrow. “He's ours. I bought him today, at the pet store downtown.”

She pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. “You've got to be kidding me right now.”

Amelia comes over and takes Baylor out of my hands. “Excuse me while I just...”

As she carries the puppy over to Tye and they sit on the floor to play with him, Kennedy gets up and storms into the kitchen. I know they said pregnancy hormones are intense, but fuck. I'm starting to think there is literally no pleasing her anymore. Still, I follow her anyway, because I promised myself I would fight for her.

“A puppy?” she sneers as soon as I get in there. “We're having a baby, and you decide that now is the best time to get a fucking puppy?”

“I thought it would make you happy,” I try.

She scoffs. “And why on earth would I be happy about that?”

I grip the island to keep my anger in check. “Because it shows you that I can be responsible!”

“Seriously? You think that being able to take care of a puppy is the same thing as raising a baby?” Her voice gets louder with every word. “They are nothing alike, and the fact that you think that they are speaks volumes to me.”

My restraint starts to slip as I realize everything I do only seems to get thrown back in my face. “I'm just trying to win back your trust! I'm fucking trying here, Kennedy!”

She huffs and closes her eyes for a moment, and when she opens them again, she's more determined than ever. “You want me to take you seriously? To trust you again?”


“Then tell me what your nightmares are about.” Her words hit their target as she looks at me expectantly. “Explain them to me. Paint me a picture.”

My chest tightens at the request. The memory runs through my mind vividly, crystal clear images I could explain in detail. But as I open my mouth, nothing comes out. I can't. It's not my story to tell.

I shut my eyes and pinch my lips together as I drop my head in defeat.

“That's what I thought,” she says softly. “Enjoy your new puppy.”

She leaves me standing in the kitchen as she walks through the living room and straight out the door. By the time I reach the doorway to the kitchen, she's already gone. I stare out the window and watch as she gets in her car. As she drives away, I look over at my sister and my friends playing with Baylor.

I'm starting to think there is no winning here.