Growing a miniature human inside her that's both half me and half her.

Christ, that's the last thing the world needs. A tiny human for me to destroy just like I've done to others. The mere idea alone is enough to scare the shit out of me.

I get up from my desk and grab my things. All eyes are on me as I walk out of the room without saying a word, but what would I say? Sorry, my ex-girlfriend dropped a pregnancy bomb on me before I puked on her, and now I have to get her to talk to me? Yeah, everyone’s better off not knowing that.

It only takes a few minutes to get to Kennedy's dorm building. The place is somewhat empty, with most students sitting in class right now. I push through the door and wave to the security guard as I head through the gates and up the stairs.

As I reach Kennedy's door, I stop and take a breath. There's no telling how this is going to go. Hell, for all I know, she could have just been fucking with me. Something to get me to talk to her since stopping cold turkey. Something to keep her on my radar, not wanting me but not wanting anyone else to have me either.

Barely a moment passes before she yanks the door open. She gives me a once-over and wraps her arms around herself. I can't tell if she's trying to shield herself, or the baby. Either way, I don't like it.

“Can I come in?” I ask.

“I'd really rather you didn’t,” she deadpans. “The smell of a distillery mixed with a frat house bathroom is still burned into my nostrils.”

“Please? I promise I won't vomit on you again. Pretty sure I don't have anything left in my stomach.”

It takes a moment, but she sighs and gives in, opening the door further for me to step inside. I look around the room that I've spent so little time in, despite being with her for most of the time she's had it. We always stayed at my place. It had her boyfriend and her best friend under the same roof. For Kennedy, it was a residential goldmine.

“If you're here to be a dick some more, you can see yourself out,” she snips.

Dropping my head, I nod. “I deserve that.”

“Ya think?” She sits down on her bed and curls into a ball. “I'm dealing with enough shit. I don't need you being an asshole on top of it.”

“I know. I'm sorry.”

“Are you?”


It goes quiet for a moment, the two of us just looking around the room and trying to figure out what to say. When did everything between us become so tense? There was a time not too long ago when being in her presence was my happy place. Fuck, I hate that it's come to this. And now adding a baby to the mix? It's a disaster waiting to happen.

“How are you feeling?” I ask, breaking the silence.

She shrugs. “Okay, I guess. Just can't believe this is happening.”

Walking toward the bed, I sit beside her and wrap her in my arms. Thankfully, she doesn't object. She lets me hold her as she cries, releasing all the emotions she's been trying so hard to hold back. I press a kiss to the top of her head and run my hand up and down her back.

“Just relax,” I tell her. “This is what you wanted, isn't it?”

She pushes herself away and looks at me like she wants to run me over. “Getting pregnant in the middle of my college education with my ex-boyfriend's baby? Why the fuck would you think this is something I wanted?”

“Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you waited to tell me until there was nothing we could do about it,” I growl. “We could have had options! We could have gotten rid of it! This didn't have to be happening.”

Her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water before she jumps off the bed and marches over to the door. “Get out.”

“Seriously?” Leave it to Kennedy to be this stubborn. “You never once considered that we're in no position to be parents? Not even for a second?”

She grabs me by the collar of my shirt and physically drags me to the door. “I said get out!”

“Just let me look into it,” I plead. “I might be able to find a place that will still do it. We can leave this nightmare behind us.”

In a split second, her hand flies up and she slaps me across the face, hard. A stinging sensation is left behind, so strong that I wouldn't be surprised if there's a handprint on my cheek. I'm momentarily dazed as she opens the door and quite literally pushes me out of it before slamming it in my face.

My whole body tenses and I try to breathe, but it does nothing for me. Instead, I clench my fist and drive it right into the wall.

The brick wall.