Am I going to be able to finish school?

A college dropout wasn’t my career goal.

Am I ever going to sleep again?

Who am I kidding? Probably not.

“Lehigh,” the medical assistant calls.

I stand up and follow her, with Amelia and Tye right behind me. People in the waiting room share strange looks. Sure, my support system is a little unorthodox, but they're my best friends. My sisters, even. As intolerable as they may be sometimes, I wouldn't choose anyone else to be here with me.

When the doctor comes in, it all happens in a blur.

Going over the date of my last period.

Tye chuckling as she fills her in on how many pregnancy tests I took.

An embarrassingly exposing pap smear.

Finally, she walks us down to another room for an ultrasound. It's dark, with the only light coming from the hallway, the screen in front of the bed, and the ultrasound machine itself. I lie down on the table at the instruction of the technician and feel my heart jump as she rolls my shirt up and has me tug my pants down.

The gel is surprisingly warm as she squeezes some on my stomach. I reach over and grab the closest hand to me, which happens to be Amelia's. As the wand touches my stomach, we all try to make out what's on the screen until it comes into focus.

My breath hitches as I see it—the little alien-looking shape of a baby. Tears spring to my eyes as she takes her measurements, and when she points to the blinking little white spot and tells me that’s the heart, I lose it completely.

“Give me one second here,” she says calmly, clicking a few things on the machine.

What sounds almost like a horse gallop comes through the speakers, and Amelia covers her mouth in complete awe while Tye stays focused on me. I watch in amazement as I listen to my baby's heartbeat, and it's in this moment that everything calms.

All the questions and the unsure feeling in my stomach are answered.

This little alien just became my whole life.

My only concern.

My perfect baby.