“You have to, okay? Just focus on your engagement.” She grabs Amelia's hand and lifts it so the ring is center focus. “You're getting married! Isn't that exciting?”

“I'm going to be an aunt. That's exciting.” She stops. “Wait. I am going to be an aunt, right? It's not Alec's?”

Slipping onto a barstool, I put my head down on my arms. “It's Easton's. I haven't slept with anyone else.”

“No more pregnancy talk!” Tye declares. “We just have to get through tonight. One night.”

Amelia takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. “One night.”

BY THE GRACE OFGod himself, she actually manages to make it through the night. Tye and I watched her like a hawk, making sure she wasn't alone with Zayn at all. It's not that we don't trust him to know, it's just that he would tell Easton before any one of us could even ask him not to.

If I know my ex as well as I think I do, he's not going to take the news well. He won't be as erratic as his sister, but he sure as hell won't be calm. I'd just rather have a handle on my own emotions before I have to tackle his.

The three of us walk into my dorm room, and I pull a shoe box out from under my bed. As I open it and place it on the desk, Amelia's brows raise in surprise as Tye laughs.

“I thought you said you took a few,” she drawls.

“I wanted to be sure.”

“And the first ten didn't do that for you?” Tye grabs a handful of tests and holds them up. “Kennedy, there are at least twenty-five tests here!”

Amelia picks one up and looks at it with awe before cringing and dropping it. “Ew, you peed on these.”

Tye shifts all her attention to Amelia. “How are you majoring in pre-law?”

She flips her off and comes to sit on the bed beside me. She wraps her arms around my body and pulls me close. I go willingly, resting my head on her.

“It's going to be okay, babe,” she assures me. “You just have to tell Easton. He'll be there for you.”

That's one of the main parts I'm afraid of—telling Easton. He hasn't so much as looked at me in the last week. I'm pretty sure he thinks there is something going on between Alec and me. If he tries telling me he's not the father, every part of me that I've managed to make whole again might shatter.

“I have a doctor's appointment on Monday,” I say. “I'll tell him after that.”

“You sure you want to wait?”

I nod. “I want to be 100% sure.”

Tye grunts humorously. “Piss on another couple dozen tests. Maybe then you'll be one hundred percent sure.”

Amelia grabs a pen off the nightstand and throws it at her. Tye manages to dodge it, but not by much.

“What?” she balks innocently. “I bet she cleaned out the drug store.”

Meelz just stares back at her, shaking her head. Me, on the other hand, I'd like nothing more than for my bed to swallow me whole.

SITTING IN THE DOCTOR'S office waiting room, I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life. Not during my gymnastics competitions as a child. Not when I had to try a new stunt for cheerleading. Not even when I grew the balls to tell Easton I love him, only for it to be met with silence.

The room is filled with pregnant women in all trimesters. Some are dressed like they've just come from a corporate job while others are wearing sweats, choosing comfort over fashion. One thing they all have in common, though, is they're all much older than my twenty-one.

“You do have options, you know,” Tye says as she comes over with pamphlets. “If this isn't what you want, you don't have to do this.”

Amelia snatches them out of her hand. “You can't honestly be suggesting killing my niece or nephew.”

“Actually, no. That wasn't the only thing I was referring to.” She rolls her eyes. “There is adoption, too.”

“Oh!” Amelia coos. “Let me take him or her! I love babies!”

I drown them both out, staring into space and getting lost in thoughts of how Easton is going to react and what my future looks like from here.